By now you have likely heard that our Republican candidate, Valerie Jones Giltner, was elected to be the 37th District representative. Thank you to all volunteers who came out to help this DE GOP unifying event! Based on the percentage of party demographics, this was projected to be a close race. But it was anything but close, Valerie Jones Giltner won BIG. So what was the break down?
But First:
Please RSVP for 38th Republican Club Dinner and Meeting at Mio Fratello's
We will hold our December meeting on Wednesday, December 27th, at Mio Fratellos Italian Steakhouse and restaurant, 6:00 p.m. Members may order off the menu and there will be a cash bar. Pease RSVP or email if you plan to attend. We will be discussing the results of the 37th Special Election and how we can duplicate the best practices of their campaign to continue to get Republicans elected in the 38th District and the State of Delaware! This should be a very fun evening of good food, good friends and good politics! Mio Fratello is located at 38016 Fenwick Shoals Blvd, Selbyville, DE. See you then! See Mio Fratello menu below.
OK, back to our story....
The 37th District has a total of 15,904 total voters.
6,164 are Republican or 38% of the total voters.
5,558 are Democrats, or 35% of the total voters.
4,182 are Other, or 26% of the total voters.
With only 3% more Republican than democrat voters, you can see why this was projected to be a close race, and why the Democrats put their all into this race, Statewide and Nationwide, with financial backing coming in from all over the country to back their democrat candidate in this race. To the money-rich Democrats, this was a winnable election, and winning the 37th district Special Election, would tip the scales in their favor so much that the Republican voice would be, to use their own words, "irrelevant." But was David irrelevant when he fought Goliath? So how close was this race??
How Many Voted? See The Official Results Here
The voter turn-out for this Special Election was 2,877 total votes cast or 18% of the total registered voters. Is that a low turnout? Yes. Was it an expected turn out for a Special Election? Well, the best way to predict future events is to look at past events, and as per our 38th RD Vice Chair Rick, yes, it was an expected turn out. Rick also predicted how many votes were needed to win in this Special Election, and he was spot on! Way to go, Rick!
What was the Breakdown?
The Republican Candidate garnered 1,805 of the total votes, or 63% of the total votes cast.
The Democrat Candidate garnered 1,068 or 37% of the total votes cast. Valerie Jones Giltner, the Republican candidate, received 737 more votes than her democrat opponent, a 26-point spread. This is what is a call a LANDSLIDE victory (of those 18% who voted). And since Republicans only have 3% more registered voters than Democrats in this District, this is even a bigger testament to the significance of this very BIG win for Republican voter turnout! How was this done, how did Republicans get out the vote so well?? We'll tell you, but we're NOT about to post this information online. You will have to become a 38th District precinct team member to find out! Email here if you want to be part of the 38th District winning team .
Where Did the Democrat Machine Win?
Where the 37th District Democrats beat the Republicans was in the absentee votes.
Out of a total of 277 absentee ballots that were cast, which was about 10% of the total votes cast, 192 absentee ballots were cast by Democrats and 85 were cast by Republicans. So 69% of the absentee ballots were cast by Democrat voters and only 31% were cast by Republican voters, a 38-point spread in Democrat's favor. Alarming when you consider Democrats are in only a 3% disadvantage in this District. So if we were to have a strictly absentee vote or mail-in vote, the Democrat-Voting-Machine would win. For those who voted in 2020, does this sound familiar??
Where Did the Republicans Win?
Clearly Republican's go-to method of voting is NOT absentee voting. Republicans cast their votes at the polls. So, if poll voting is not an option, Republicans would lose. Again, 2020 anyone??
For this Special Election we had ten days of early voting, and one day of what the Department of Elections calls "machine voting," otherwise known as voting on the actual election day.
Question: What do you suppose is more convenient?
(1) voting at one centralized location, such as the Department of Elections Warehouse, anytime between 7am to 7pm, daily for ten days, including weekends,
(2) voting at your regular polling location on ONE specified day, rain or shine, despite last minute hiccoughs, such as an unexpected DELDOT road closure (yes, this happened too - one of the polling locations entrances was closed due to an unexpected DELDOT road closure)?
Answer: Of the total votes cast, 1,679 or 58% of votes were cast on ONE day, December 21, the actual election day. On that day, 67% of the votes were cast by Republican voters and 32% were cast by Democrat voters. Republicans like to vote on Election DAY. It's risky, but apparently it's what works for Republicans.
What about all of those early voting days? Of the total votes cast for this Special Election, 921 or 32% were cast via early voting days (absentee ballots excluded). Ten early voting days only drew 32% of the total votes cast vs 58% of the votes cast on Election Day (10% were absentee votes). Department of Elections, did you hear that? Is early voting worth it?? And who came out to vote via Early Voting? Of the total votes cast for Early Voting, 587 or 64% were Republican voter, and 334 or 36% were Democrat voters.
So per this Special Election, it is clear, Republicans like to come out to vote and they prefer to vote on Election DAY. Democrats will win in Delaware if voting is determined by absentee voting, and democrats have learned to do this well. But we have seen the path to a Republican victory, and it is ...... coming out to vote! Voting matters, and every vote counts. No one can "steal" your vote if .... you VOTE! The key for Republicans to win, is to vote. So going forward, the Republican mantra will no longer accept "but my vote doesn't count." It does count, when you VOTE! So VOTE, Republicans, VOTE!
Congratulations, Representative Valerie Jones Giltner, and the 37th District Republicans. This was a win for all of Delaware!
Please email any corrections to .
Want to learn how to get out the vote in the 38th District? Become a member and join us at our next meeting!
Please RSVP Here 38th Republican Club Dinner and Meeting at Mio Fratello's
We will hold our December meeting on Wednesday, December 27th, at Mio Fratellos Italian Steakhouse and restaurant, 6:00 p.m. Members may order off the menu and there will be a cash bar. Pease RSVP or email if you plan to attend. We will be discussing the results of the 37th Special Election and how we can duplicate the best practices of their campaign to continue to get Republicans elected in the 38th District and the State of Delaware! This should be a very fun evening of good food, good friends and good politics! Mio Fratello is located at 38016 Fenwick Shoals Blvd, Selbyville, DE. See you then! See Mio Fratello menu below.

Would you like to become more involved in shaping the leadership and direction of the Republican Party in Sussex County? Become and Election District Captain! Fill out this form and return to .
Do you want to get more involved locally? The 38th District spans from Bethany to Millville to Selbyville and Fenwick. YOU can make a difference! Email for more information. Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.
Listen to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 for local news!
Join the GOP - Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense!
Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 184
Frankford, DE 19945
We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please
Upcoming 2023 Meetings:
December 27th, Club Meeting, Mio Fratello's
January 25th, Joint 38th and 41st Dinner Meeting, Cripple Creek Country Club
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
The 38th District in Comparison
In comparison to the 37th District, our 38th District Has 25,524 total registered voters.
11,570 or 45% are Republicans
7,629 or 30% are Democrats
6,325 or 28% are Other.
