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38th District 61% Voter Turnout, We Do Things RIGHT!

Writer's picture: Michelle ParsonsMichelle Parsons

Over the past few days, you may have heard A LOT of reporting of how poor the voter turnout was, for both Republicans and Democrats across the State. This has really bothered me, because I know firsthand how involved, dedicated and passionate the members of our 38th District Republican Club have been, and all the hard work we put into getting out the vote. So, after a few days of recovery, I decided to look further into the data. If you are like me, doing a review of an election process is not familiar, but, it is something we are going to learn how to do! And to get to the punch line, the 38th District, had THE HIGHEST voter turnout in the entire State of Delaware at 60.99% !!!!!! So, if the Delaware GOP would like to know HOW to get the Republican vote out in Delaware, they can start by asking us, the Mighty, the Fighting, the Get IT DONE 38th District Republican Club, PAC! Ten Step Plan to Turn Delaware Red See below for the registered voter turnout for the entire state, broken down by district. You can find this diagram on the Department of Elections website and see for yourselves!

If you may recall from my last blog, before this official report came out from the Department of Elections, I was able to report to you the morning after the election, that I thought voter turnout for the 38th District was 65%

I was able to do this because I was an election poll worker. At every voter terminal that election poll workers use, we can see the number of absentee ballots, the number of early ballots AND the number of voters coming in on the final election day for our assigned polling place. That last number, voters coming in on election day, obviously kept changing. During my shift, I watched this number change all day with fascination! In my bubble at Millville Fire Hall, as the number and percentage of voters climbed all day long, I thought I was witnessing the Red Wave. I was, but it was just for the 38th District, and the 14th and 20th districts which kicked butt too! Congrats 14th District RDC Gordo!

The other very interesting thing about working as an election poll worker, is that we print out the results of the election, for our polling location only, at the end of our shift. YES, I could see which candidate won, only at my polling location mind you, and by how much! We then displayed those results at the election poll site for the public to view, taped to the outside door of the Millville Fire Hall. All polling locations are required to do this. Did you know?

What we need to do going forward, is to have republicans as poll workers at every polling location for every election! I can tell you, currently we are vastly outnumbered. The majority of poll workers, even in the 38th, are not republicans. And yes, there are shenanigans that go on at our polling places in Delaware, that I witnessed and that my fellow republican poll workers noticed at their polling locations. I spent the first hour of my shift calling out infractions by my fellow (democrat) poll workers, until they gave up. I wasn't there to make friends! These activities would go unchecked if all the poll workers were democrats, which they traditionally have been in Delaware. No, Checker Challengers at polling locations are not enough. Next election, become an election poll worker! No, the shift is not too long. We were well fed and watered and a heck of a lot warmer than Murph, Whit and King James! Shout out to STARS Chair, Max Fadden who also came out as Polling Place Patriot.

Millville Fire Hall Polling Place Patriots and the Dems. The day was too windy for our Red Tents!

I also recommend that we participate in witnessing the random Voting Machine and Polling Place audits conducted by the Department of Elections. There is one scheduled for New Castle County on Wednesday November 16th at 10 a.m. You can sign up here: . I have inquired if/when there will be an audit conducted in Sussex County. If you think the voting machine software could be fraudulent, then this is your chance to review electronic vs paper votes for yourself!

This is just the beginning of our analysis of this election. Please take the time to review the diagram above and the results shown. This is a mere snippet of the information available of the election results, but it is fascinating, and it is a start. And please give me your feedback!

Ten Step Plan to Turn Delaware Red

  1. Every Representative District (RD) needs to have a District Republican Club, with website and digital newsletter.

  2. Every Representative District Coordinator (RDC) along with the Election District Coordinators (EDC's) and club members need to start canvassing their neighborhoods now, not 2 months out from the next election. We need to let our Republican neighbors of every district know they have a club, that meets monthly with their district representatives. Even if the representative are democrats!

  3. Collect as many republican emails as possible to keep them engaged and informed with their Republican District Club and State GOP activities and Get Out The Vote Campaigns.

  4. Advertise regularly on Radio and our local Papers, like the Coastal Point that we have a club and how to join.

  5. Sponsor a local section of Highway with a sign, great advertising!

  6. Get out the Absentee votes

  7. Get out the Early votes

  8. Get out the Election Day votes

  9. I have more ideas, but I will share these with you later.

  10. What are YOUR ideas???? Send an email to !

Oh, and did you notice, the 38th District has the most registered voters of not only the Sussex County districts, at 25,180 registered voters, but also of the whole state?! Which means, we of the 38th District, get the LEAST representation in the Delaware House of Representatives. We still had the greatest percentage of registered voters to come out to vote.

Do you live in the 38th District in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, November 28th 630pm at the Bethany South Coastal Library, 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 1371

Bethany Beach, DE 19970



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