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38th District School Board Candidate

Writer's picture: Michelle ParsonsMichelle Parsons

The 38th District will elect an Indian River School Board member this May 14th, and make no mistake, we are in desperate need of a quality candidate who considers what is best for our youth's education and allows our teachers to teach, instead of continuing to promote quasi-Marxist propaganda instead of education at our Indian River schools. And if you are wondering why the School Board election or if education even matters to you, since you don't have kids in school anymore, then read here for a refresher on why Education Matters, to you and to Delaware. (This op-ed made it into the Cape Gazette too!)

Oh, did you think here in republican red Sussex County that our schools were immune to progressive propaganda? Think again. For the second year that I have been reviewing the Honors English curriculum at IRHS, again I see nothing but dull, dumb-downed, racist, sexist propaganda being passed as literature to the students, and for some strange reason, Edgar Allan Poe. I like Edgar Allan Poe, I read all of his novels, but why is he the only classic author featured for 2 years in a row at IRHS??

IRHS Sophomore Honors English Reading List:

Have Smartphones Destroyed A Generation? - Jean M. Twenge

Screen Addiction Among Teens - Anya Kamenetz

Anti-Slavery Discourse - Charles Lenox Remond

The Women's Right to Vote - Susan B Anthony

Is it Expensive to Be Poor? - Barbara Ehrenreich

Stories from Edgar Allan Poe

If I were a teen, I would much rather peruse interesting material on my smartphone than to have to forcibly digest the dull reading provided on the topic of smartphones. Maybe smartphones are so addictive because the alternative provided in school is so dull?

Anti-slavery, women's rights? These may have been hot topics in the 1960-70's, but seriously, there are so many relevant current topics occurring in the world that our youth could be better served evaluating other topics instead of being stuck in the past on issues that have been resolved long ago. Here's one, is the 25th Amendment relevant today?

For school board elections, Indian River is unique in Delaware, in that a school board candidate must reside in the district for which they are running and only that district's residents can vote. This year, School Board District 4 has an election. School Board District 4 is essentially the 38th district. Therefore the school board candidate must come from the 38th district and only 38th district residents may vote. There is also an election in Indian River School District 1 (two positions), District 3 (one position), District 4, (one position) and district 5 (two positions).

General Information

  • The filing deadline for School Board elections is the first Friday in March at 4:30 p.m.

  • School Board members elected to full school board terms after December 31, 2021, are four (4) years, per the provisions of HB92.

  • Contact the Department of Elections if you have any questions

School Board Qualifications

  • Must be a citizen of the United States and Delaware and live in the school district

  • Must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the election

  • Must live in the nominating district for which he/she is a candidate

  • Cannot be a paid employee of the district subject to rules & regulations of the board

  • Must never have been convicted of embezzlement

What we need form our school board candidates is a platform that will allow our teachers to teach again and allow our students to learn again. Because this curriculum forced on our schools does neither. It's time for change, now. 

Please email any corrections to 


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PO Box 184

Frankford, DE 19945

We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please

Upcoming 2023 Meetings

38th Club Meeting, Monday February 26th, South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach, 6:30pm

Featured Speaker: Dave Stevenson, Caesar Rodney Institute, Offshore Wind Project

Senator Hocker and Rep. Ron Gray Town Hall on Offshore Windfarms, Thursday, February 29th, 6:30 pm, Indian River High School

38th Club Meeting, Monday March 25th, Location TBD, 6:30pm

Presidential Primary April 2, 2024

38th Club Meeting, Monday April 22, Location TBD, 6:30pm

State Primary Election, September 10, 2024

General Election, November 5, 2024

We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

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