38th Republican Report
The 38th District has now beaten last election's 68% voter turnout with 69% Republican turn out so far, and with 2 more days of voting left, woot woot!!!! Republicans in the 38th have a 17 point lead over Democrats. We wish this was the case for all of Delaware, and the 38th will continue to support our Republican candidates in competitive district and Statewide races.
How Are Republicans Doing Statewide?
Statewide, Republicans are still churning out a good voter turnout with 37% of registered Republicans having voted early, outpacing the dems, which have 30% of registered democrats having voted early.
Statewide, Democrat turnout has remained steady at 46% of total voter turnout. The Independent voter turn out has picked up and is now 21% of voter turnout (20% yesterday), and the Republican voter turnout dropped by one point to 33% (from 34% yesterday). With this one drop in Republican total votes, we now need 62% of independents to vote with Republicans to beat the democrat votes as of today (up from 61% yesterday). This is still doable! Come on Indies and Other Parties, we are rooting for you, see the light, come our way!! On a good note, one of my democrat friends (yes I'm surprised too that I still have some) said that she's not planning to vote at all this election. Well, that's a win too!
County Republican Report
Sussex County has so far produced 56% of the Republican voters as of this morning 11/3/2024 with 42,839 Republican voting early in Sussex, NCC has turned out 27% of the Republican voters with 20,311 republican votes, and Kent County has produced 17% of all Republican votes in Delaware with 13,190 republican voters. Go Sussex!!
What Does This Mean?
So what does all this mean? Same thing as yesterday, text away using the DE GOP app, all Republican Campaigns need to be sending texts to Republicans who have not voted yet, offering them rides, checking to see if voters need any assistance getting to the polls and if voters know their polling location.
Please Download the DE GOP App
Please keep texting! Watching a show? Text! Having dinner out? Text! Are you a poll greeter? Text! We need YOU to text voters near you using the Delaware Republican Party app. Please download the app onto your phone and register. Then you can use the pre-prepared Republican text message and hit send. Several 38th members have texted literally hundreds of voters using this method, and you can too! Email me here for simple directions info@38thdrcp.com.
38th Volunteer Meeting
Poll Workers, Greeters, Challengers, War Room Callers, Drivers, Voters ... it is GAME ON! Tomorrow, Monday 11/4/24, we will say our prayers to save our Nation, to grant wisdom to citizens to vote for the best candidates to lead our State and Nation. And come Tuesday, we will take action!
38th War Room at Mio Fratellos
Please plan to be at Mio Fratellos during the day starting at 9am to get the updated call lists of those who have not already voted comes in every couple of hours. We will be calling or texting everyone who has not voted as of Nov 5. We will have lap tops, printers, food, please bring YOUR cell phone.
38th Election Party Mio Fratellos
Please RSVP for the Election Celebration Party November 5 at Mio Fratello's to celebrate Ron Gray's and Donald J. Trump's victory! 6-930pm. After-After party will be at Summer Salts. RSVP to Treasurer Jim here jdvk7779@gmail.com . Mio Fratellos is located at 38016 Fenwick Shoals Blvd, off of Route 54.
Return Day Georgetown On The Circle
Also, plan to spend Thursday at Return Day, it is a blast and another chance to celebrate.
Thank you, everyone, the finish is getting CLOSE!!
Michelle Parsons
38th Representative District Republican Coordinator
The Data
Total Votes so Far 2024 General Election (786,577)
Date 10am Totals % Voter Turnout
10/26/2024 55,760 8%
10/27/2024 72,796 9.3%
10/29/2024 137,961 17.5%
11/1/2024 187,338 24%
11/2/24 210,528 27%
11/3/2024 229,492 29%
Voter Break Down Delaware % Voter Turnout
10/27 Republican 23,977 (33%) 11.6% (206,770)
10/29 Republican 46,977 (34%) 23%
11/1 Republican 63,356 (34%) 31%
11/2 Republican 70,811 (34%) 34%
11/3 Republican 76,340 (33%) 37%
10/27 Other 12,866 (18%) 5.6% (229,595)
10/29 Other 24,358 + 11%
11/1 Other 37,588 (20%) 16%
11/2 Other 43,111 (20%) 19%
11/3 Other 47,478 (21%) 21%
10/27 Democrat 35,811 (49%) 10% (353,212)
10/29 Democrat 64,381 (46%) 18%
11/1 Democrat 86,394 (46%) 24%
11/2 Democrat 96,713 (46%) 27%
11/3 Democrat 105,674 (46%) 30%
Voter Break Down By County
Sussex 42,839 Republican Voters (56%)
NCC 20,311 Republican Voters (27%)
Kent 13,190 Republican Voters (17%)
Voter Break Down 38th District
10/27 Republican 3,234 (49%) 28% (11,659)
10/29 Republican 5,940 (48%) 51%
11/1 Republican 7,336 (48%) 63%
11/2 Republican 7,826 (48%) 67%
11/3 Republican 8,100 (48%) 69%
10/27 Other 1,272 (19%)
10/29 Other 2,207 (18%)
11/1 Other 3,277 (21%)
11/1 Other 3,559 (22%)
11/3 Other 3,698 (22%)
10/27 Democrat 2,156 (32%) 28% (7,775)
10/29 Democrat 3,922 (32%) 50%
11/1 Democrat 4,763 (31%) 61%
11/2 Democrat 5,033 (31%) 64%
11/3 Democrat 5,183 31% 67%
If you like what we do and would like to help support our mission, please send us a donation. We thank you for choosing to keep the 38th District Republican Club a success and a beaming light of conservative values in Delaware!
Like our logo? Buy a t-shirt or hat here!
Do you want to get more involved locally? The 38th District includes Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millville, Selbyville and Frankford. YOU can make a difference! Email info@38thdrcp.com for more information. Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.
Listen to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 for local news!
Join the GOP:
Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense!
Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 184
Frankford, DE 19945
We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please
Email: info@38thdrcp.com
Upcoming Meetings
Early Voting Oct 25-29 11am-7pm, Oct 30-Nov 3, 7a-7p
General Election, November 5, 2024
38th Club Meeting, November 25th, 6:30pm, South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only. The content provided is for general information and entertainment purposes, and should not be construed as professional advice. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Club. Readers are encouraged to seek professional guidance or conduct their own research when making decisions based on the information provided in this newsletter. The Club does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in this newsletter and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions. Website paid for by the 38th District Republican Club PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.