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Agenda 38th Republican Club Meeting Monday 6/24 6pm

Writer's picture: 38th District Republican Club38th District Republican Club

38TH District Republican Club, PAC

6:030 pm May 28, 2024

Millville Town Hall


I.    Call to order 6:30-6:33pm

II.    Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

III.   President’s Welcome - Acknowledge our representatives:

IV.   Vice President’s Tom Molnar Report 6:33-6:35pm

A.  Recognize Guests and New Members

B.  Featured Business

V.   Treasurer’s Report 6:35-6:38pm.

VI.  Secretary Approval of the Minutes 6:38-6:40pm

A.  Secretary’s meeting minutes are available online in our Members Only section. A password is required to access the Members Only section, please see the Treasurer for the password.

A.  Received a lovely thank you note from Vicki, Natalie and Mark Carmean. “Thank you so much for your kindness and sympathy during this difficult time following the loss of Wayne. The family and I are so very appreciative of the cards, calls and texts we have received. Your presence at the memorial service, the beautiful flower arrangement, donation to St. Mathews By The Sea Methodist Church, as well as the Club recognition of Wayne’s efforts at your last meeting have also brought a great deal of comfort. From the bottom of my heart, thank you again for your love, support during these past weeks. Your contributions and sympathy have meant more than words can express. Love, Vicki, Natalie and Mark.”


VII.  Club Business 6:40pm -6:45pm

A.  Member updates

B.  Bethany Beach 4th of July Parade, noon        

C.  Patriotic Trump Boat Parade, July 6th, noon.


VIII.   38th RDC District Republican Party Report 6:45pm-6:50pm

A.  Ron Gray has officially filed, the deadline to file is July 7.

B.  Our Goal is 90% Republican voter turn out in the 38th. Email if you can help!


C.  DE issues 6:50-6:55pm

1.      Economy

a.     DE the ONLY state in the union with a negative GDP, our growth is no longer flatlined, we’re dying. We need small businesses, improved education and training in trades! Sources of income include:

                                      i.      Corporation fees

                                      ii.      Gambling fees

                                      iii.      Agriculture

                                      iv.      Tourism

                                      v.      Natural Resources – our coast - last resort!

b.    As per Caesar Rodney Institute, the DE budget SHOULD be $3 billion. Due to the federal COVID windfall in 2021, last year’s budget went up to $5 billion. Now, without any additional federal funding, DE legislature passed a $6 billion budget. This is an increase of $1 billion in 2 years, a 20% increase, while revenue only increased 9%. SB 325/The Budget bill: Awaiting Governor’s signature, June 30th. How is the money to be spent?

                                         i.      Increase in education spending to 35% of the Budget.

                                        ii.      Increase pay to DE State employees and retirees.

                                        iii.      Education and Medicaid account for HALF of our budget.

                                        iv.      $1 billion spent on Medicaid.

                                         v.      1/3 are on Medicaid, 1/3 state employees. 1/3 pay for it all.

c.    DE Democrats are praising themselves for their commitment to State employees, state retirees and education AND all 3 Democrat gubernatorial candidates are proposing to increase the budget by 20% to cover even more social services.

d.    Senator Hocker and Rep. Gray co-sponsored HB 49: to amend the Constitution to limit the annual growth of expenditures of the state operating budget, to ensure spending does not exceed growth. It is in House committee and unlikely to be released for a vote.


2.      Education

a.     Another report ranks DE nearly last in education, 47th. HS graduates up and down the state, cannot read. Forget about math or finances, if you can't read! There is little teachers can do, they have no authority, no accountability.

b.    The top three offenses during the 2021-22 school year were: skipping school, fighting, offensive touching with a student victim.

c.     Certain infractions are rising: are vaping, marijuana and tobacco use, for elementary and middle school students.

3.      Crime

a.     Drug and gang crimes are up

b.    5 murders in Sussex county just in 2024.

c.     Shoplifting is up.

d.    Cities: urban decay, closed businesses, no economic opportunities.

e.     We Need: Encourage small and large businesses, industry, parents getting more involved in their children’s education, Youth programs, Neighborhood watches, Nonprofits.


***How to turn things around, so important to get involved, now more than ever***


D.  38th Vice RDC Report 6:55-7pm

                1.      Cleaning Up The Voter Rolls: email to volunteer, training available. Email

                2.      Capturing New Voters – mailers/postcards.

                3.      Neighborhood Canvassing – please send us your request for your neighborhood. Email



E.   Legislative Report 7:00- 7:05pm

                1.      HB 140 – Assisted Suicide, Defeated 6/20 in Senate, returned to the House.

                2.      HB 311 – Disallow firearms on college campuses, private and public. “Safe School Zones.” Passed the House, now in Senate Judiciary C.

                3.      HB 264- Co-sponsored by Senator Hocker: making patronizing a prostitute a felony when the prostitute is a minor. Passed the House w/ bipartisan support, and is now in Senate Executive Committee.

                4.      HB 357- Senator Hocker Co-Sponsor: redefining what a firearm is in DE. Currently a firearm is defined as a “projectile weapon” which includes slingshots, and maybe pickle balls. Definition to be made more clear, that it is a deadly projective weapon. Passed the House with bipartisan support, now in the Senate.

                5.      HB 70- eliminate the death penalty, now those who commit first degree murder after the age of 18 would get life in prison. Passed the House along party lines, and is now in the Senate. Last carried out death sentence in DE was 2003.

                6.      HB 350 – Created the Diamond State Hospital Review Board, Government oversight over hospital spending, passed the House and Senate, signed by the Governor, now law.

                7.      HB 110 – tax payer funded abortions for Medicaid, state employee plans, and private insurance, passed the House, now in the Senate. No co-pay, no deductible.

                8.      SB 300- restrictions on Pregnancy Centers. Currently DE does not restrict the unlawful practice of medicine for anything that I can see, nurses are now licensed to practice medicine, perform surgical abortions, and are immune from any medical malpractice, YET, Pregnancy Crisis Centers, MUST now follow regulations that they have licensed medical providers and be licensed as medical clinics to offer services to pregnant women. Passed in the Senate and is now ready to be voted on in the House.



IX.    Members Mic 7:05-7:08pm

A.  Murph – 38th District Republican Club Blood Drive

B.  Announce Raffle Winner

C. Email if you would like to be included on the Agenda


X.  Guest Speaker – DE GOP Exec Director, Nick Miles 7:08-7:30 pm


XI.  Representative Reports 7:30

A.  Senator Gerald Hocker

B.  Rep Ron Gray

C.  CC Doug Hudson


XII.   Upcoming Events  

A.  Next Club Meeting: Monday, July 22, Bethany Beach Library

B.  Next 38th EDC Meeting Tuesdays by Zoom

C.  Bethany Beach Parade 7/4/2024, noon.

D.  Patriotic Trump Boat Parade 7/6/2024, noon.

E.   Next Sussex Region Meeting 7/8, 630pm, Millsboro Fire Hall

XIII.   Adjournment 8:10 pm



If you like what we do and would like to help support our mission, please send us a donation. We thank you for choosing to keep the 38th District Republican Club a success and a beaming light of conservative values in Delaware!


Do you want to get more involved locally? The 38th District includes Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millville, Selbyville and Frankford. YOU can make a difference! Email for more information. Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.

Listen to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 for local news!


Join the GOP:

Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense!

Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 184

Frankford, DE 19945

We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please

Upcoming 2023 Meetings

38th Club Meeting, Monday, June 24th, 6:30pm, Millville Town Hall

Bethany Beach Fourth of July Parade, July 4

Patriotic Trump Boat Parade, Saturday, July 6, noon, 125h Street, Big Assawoman Bay

Republican National Convention, Milwaukee, July 14-18

38th Club Meeting, Monday, July 22, 6:30pm, Bethany Beach Library

State Primary Election, September 10, 2024

General Election, November 5, 2024

We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only. The content provided is for general information and entertainment purposes, and should not be construed as professional advice. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Club. Readers are encouraged to seek professional guidance or conduct their own research when making decisions based on the information provided in this newsletter. The Club does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in this newsletter and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions. Website paid for by the 38th District Republican Club PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.



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