This Club meeting will be a dinner meeting. You may arrive at 5:00pm to grab a seat and dinner at the Fenwick Crab House, business meeting to start at 5:45pm. We will also take the time to honor the former 38th District Republican Club Co-President, the late Wayne Carmean. Wayne was instrumental in resurrecting the Club back in 2006, and helped make our Club what it is today. Thank you, Wayne, you are missed! Our guest speaker will be none other than Delaware GOP Chair, Julianne Murray herself! See you at the meeting!
Email if you would like to make an announcement or be added to the agenda to speak.
38TH District Republican Club, PAC
5:00pm, May 28th, 2024
Fenwick Crab House
I. Call to order 5:45 – 5:47pm
II. Prayer (special mention Christine Fantino) and Pledge of Allegiance
III. President’s Welcome - Acknowledge our representatives
A. Sen. Gerald Hocker
B. Rep Ron Gray
C. County Councilman Doug Hudson
D. Millville Councilman Bob Wisgirda
E. OV Councilwoman Colleen Twardzik
F. 38th Vice RDC Rick Radatovich and all EDCs.
G. Sussex Region Chair, Drew Sunderlin.
H. Vicki Carmean, former Fenwick Island Mayor, and Natalie Magdeburger, Current mayor Fenwick Island.
I. Republican Candidate for 14th District - Mike Simpler
J. Guest Speaker – Delaware GOP Chair Julianne Murray
IV. Vice President’s Tom Molnar Report 5:32-5:35pm
A. Recognize Guests and New Members
B. Featured Business – Fenwick Crab House
V. Treasurer’s Report 5:35-5:40pm.
A. Dues/Investment in the 38th
B. Funds Income/Expenses
C. Fenwick Crab House Dinner Raffle
D. Corn Hole tournament fundraiser – Sunday Sept 22.
VI. Secretary Approval of the Minutes 5:40-5:42pm
A. Secretary’s meeting minutes are available online in our Members Only section. A password is required to access the Members Only section, please see the Treasurer for the password.
B. The minutes have been published for review. Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes?
VII. New Business
A. Welcome Vicki Carmean, Natalie Magdeburger, as we honor Wayne Carmean.
1. Prayer by Tom
2. Memorial tribute reading by Jim King
B. Club Level – President and Treasurer Election – Vice President to preside.
C. 38th District RDC Report
1. Thank you Rick for running for RNC National Committeeman.
2. Election Season – Goals
D. 38th Vice RDC Report
E. Legislative Report 6:20-6:30pm
1. HB 350 – Government oversight over hospital spending, passed the House and Senate, awaiting Governor’s signature.
2. HB 110 – taxpayer funded abortions for Medicaid, state employee plans, and private insurance, passed the House, now in the Senate.
3. SB 2 - Permit to Purchase Bill – signed into law. Next is Universal Registration, followed by Government Gun Confiscation.
4. (HB 275 – to update DE code on the definition of sexual orientation to specifically include pansexuality and asexuality. Passed the House, now in Senate. Email all Senators.)
VIII. Members Mic
A. Email if you have an announcement.
B. Announce Raffle Winner
IX. Guest Speakers – GOP Chair, Julianne Murray 6:30pm
X. Representative Reports
A. Senator Gerald Hocker - excused
B. Rep Ron Gray
C. CC Doug Hudson
XI. Upcoming Events
A. Next Club Meeting: Monday, June 24th, Millville Town Hall
B. Next 38th EDC Meeting Tuesday June 4th
C. DNREC/US Wind meeting, Wednesday, June 5th, Beacon Middle, Lewes
D. Next Sussex Region Meeting 6/10, 630pm, Millsboro Fire Hall
E. Other Announcements/Meetings
F. Spring Corn Hole Tournament, 9/22/24
G. July Red, White and Blue Fundraiser
XII. Adjournment 7:05pm
Do you prefer 38th Club Meetings at a local restaurant or at a meeting place?
0%I prefer to have our 38th Club meetings at a restaurant
0%I prefer to have our 38th Club meetings at a meeting hall.
If you like what we do and would like to help support our mission, please send us a donation. We thank you for choosing to keep the 38th District Republican Club a success and a beaming light of conservative values in Delaware!
Like our logo? Buy a t-shirt or hat here!
Do you want to get more involved locally? The 38th District includes Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millville, Selbyville and Frankford. YOU can make a difference! Email for more information. Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.
Listen to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 for local news!
Join the GOP:
Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense!
Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 184
Frankford, DE 19945
We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please
Upcoming 2023 Meetings
Julianne Murray Speaker, 38th Club Meeting, Tuesday, May 28th, Fenwick Crab House, 5pm
38th Club Meeting, Monday, June 24th, 6:30pm, Millville Town Hall
38th Club Meeting, Monday, July 22, 6:30pm, Location TBD
State Primary Election, September 10, 2024
Corn Hole Tournament, September 22, 2024
General Election, November 5, 2024
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only. The content provided is for general information and entertainment purposes, and should not be construed as professional advice. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Club. Readers are encouraged to seek professional guidance or conduct their own research when making decisions based on the information provided in this newsletter. The Club does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in this newsletter and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions. Website paid for by the 38th District Republican Club PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.