WOW what an AMAZING talk by Dr. David Legates on the Lies, Lies and Damn Lies of Climate Change!! Let's face it, we have been fed a lot of b*ll on this subject and sadly it is still being propagated. Well congratulations to YOU who have the ability of deductive reasoning and critical thinking, to hear the evidence and decide for YOURSELVES what the science is aka "knowledge". And knowledge is power! OK Patriots, it is now time to apply this power....
Call To Action on Electric Vehicle Mandate
Delaware air has never been cleaner and Delaware is already fully compliant with Environmental Protection Agency standards. Delaware is NOT California, yet the State legislature has delegated their authority to regulate specific vehicle mandates to DNREC, which plans to follow California EV mandate laws. This is unconstitutional per the Delaware constitution as our legislature cannot delegate it's authority to make laws. Law making is VESTED (not transferable) in the legislature therefore only the legislature can make laws. Thank you, Shirley, for making this point and thank you, Rep. Gray, for agreeing to look into this! That said, DNREC is planning on passing EV mandates on April 1. Once it passes, DNREC will be open to lawsuits. More info to come out on this.
You MUST email Governor Carney today, let him know how you feel about this overreach of power by DNREC to overregulate the auto industry which impacts our choices and our rights. We have no issue with clean vehicle emissions and support clean vehicles. However EV only is not the answer. Not only are gas powered vehicles cleaner than ever, there are other options available such as hydrogen fuel cells that convert emissions to .... water. It is believed that Governor Carney will not support the EV mandate if the mandate impacts the poor, so that is a potential argument, as was brought up at the meeting, as many are on fixed incomes.
Email Governor Carney HERE
Dear Governor Carney, I do not support the EV mandate that is to be regulated by DNREC.
One, it is unconstitutional for the legislature to delegate the authority of law making that is VESTED in the legislature. Article 2 Section 1: The legislative power of this state shall be vested in a general assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and House of representatives.
Two, Delaware air has never been cleaner and Delaware is already fully compliant with Environmental Protection Agency standards.
Three, many of our citizens are one fixed incomes, are just starting their families and careers, and some are small business owners, who cannot afford the high-ticket price of EV's and this cost should not be redistributed to other Delaware taxpayers.
Four, there are other options for clean vehicular emissions, such as hydrogen fuel cells.
Five, living in Sussex County, we are vulnerable to evacuation orders and would be stranded if EV's were mandated.
I urge you to reconsider the electric vehicle mandate, it will cost me (choose)
my livelihood
my ability to afford transportation
my freedom to travel with my family
my freedom to travel when and where I choose
my life during an emergency
I look forward to hearing your position on this matter, your name.
Legalized Marijuana Passes House and Senate
HB1/HB2 passed the house and as predicted it just passed the Senate. Only FOUR Senators voted against it. Thank you Senator Hocker, Senator Lawson, Senator Pettyjohn and Senator Richardson! The bill will now go to Governor Carney's desk and as last legislative session, Governor Carney has vowed to veto this bill.
Please Email Governor Carney today to support his VETO of HB1/HB2 to legalize and monetize marijuana in Delaware. We already have legalized MEDICAL marijuana, that should suffice. Governor Carney needs to hear from YOU!
State GOP Convention
There will be an election for State GOP Chair. Julianne Murray has announced she will challenge Jane Brady for the Chair position. The State GOP Convention will be held Saturday April 29th at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover, dinner the evening before also at the Modern Maturity Center. Listen to Julianne Murray's State GOP Chair campaign statement here. More info to come.
The 41st is planning to go ALL OUT for this Convention, don't let them show up the Mighty 38th! Buy your 38th T-shirts and gear here to show your 38th Pride at the Convention. Please send Pat, our RD Chair, your ideas for additional Convention paraphernalia!
Joint 38th/41st Meeting
The 38th and 41st District Republican Clubs will be joining forces to have a joint meeting on Monday, May 1st, 630pm. The featured speakers will be local town Police Chiefs. Please email us your questions for the officers! Featured speakers will be Ocean View Police Chief, Ken McLaughlin and Lt. Moyer from the Millsboro Police Department.
Would you like to learn more about your home state of Delaware Constitution? Learning our Constitution is the best way to understand our laws, our history, and how we can make a better Delaware going forward! The Delaware Constitution course is a course certified through the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) with IOTC certified instructors Michelle Parsons and Tom Molnar and instructor Bob Lawless. Classes will be held at the Ocean View Town Hall located at 32 West Ave, Ocean View, every Sunday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. starting Sunday February 19th for 6 weeks with the last class to be held on March 26th. Each class is its own unique lesson so there is no need to start at the beginning if you miss the first date. Please email if you plan to attend .
ALSO, the Delaware legislature will be offering the ability to stream live legislative chamber proceedings and committee meetings on demand anytime, anywhere. Archived live streams are available as well.
For the latest information in Sussex and Kent Counties and the Delaware political scene tune in to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 daily!
Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th 630pm at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.
Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
Upcoming 2023 Meetings:
April 24th, 6:30 p.m. Home Title Theft Protection - Julianne Murray, Former Candidate for Governor
April 28th -29th DE GOP Convention
The joint 38th/41st meeting Monday, May 1 at 6:30 pm at the Indian River Senior Center, 214 Irons Ave., Millsboro
The Back The Blue Caravan is scheduled for Thursday, May 11th
May 22nd, 6:30 p.m. Wills - Greg Fuller, Registrar of Wills, Sussex
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970
