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EV Mandate Town Hall with DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin

Writer's picture: 38th District Republican Club38th District Republican Club

Hear it from the Horse's mouth himself, DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin, the one man who has sole authority to ban traditional powered vehicles in Delaware, who will be speaking this Tuesday, March 21st at the Indian River Senior Center in Millsboro 6:30 p.m.!! Come and listen to what he has to say and ask him the tough questions that you have wanted to ask and now have the chance!!!

Also speaking will be Caesar Rodney Institute's, Dr. David Stevenson, Director of Center for Energy and Environmental Policy. He's smart and he has his facts!

And, Dr. David Legates, retired University of Delaware professor of geology and the State Climatologist. Dr. Legates has done extensive research on the truth and the lies of climate change. Dr. Legates will be speaking again more indepthly about the Lies of Climate Change at our next Club meeting on Monday March 27th, South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach.

This will be the most important meeting of the year and you will NOT want to miss out! You must RSVP here to attend this town hall and meeting of the minds .

Email if you would like to carpool to the Indian River Senior Center, 214 Irons Ave, Millsboro.

EV Mandate Background

Starting in Fall 2025, one of every three (35%) new cars, trucks, and SUVs sold in Delaware will be required to be a zero-emission vehicle. The percentage of mandated ZEV sales quickly rises every year afterward. By Fall 2030, more than three-quarters (76%) of all new vehicle sales must be ZEVs. In Fall 2034, ALL new vehicle sales would be ZEVs – effectively BANNING new fuel-powered vehicles!

No, you won't be able to just jump the border and purchase a traditional gas powered vehicle across state lines. Dealerships in Maryland and New Jersey won’t be of any help. Those states are both imposing the same electric vehicle mandate on their citizens. Additionally, buying a new fuel-powered vehicle ANYWHERE out-of-state after the start of 2035 will not be possible. The new rules ban registering any new non-compliant vehicle in Delaware!!

Mandate proponents falsely claim the sale and ownership of used gasoline and diesel vehicles will be unaffected by the new rules. In actuality, the regulations include stricter emission standards for internal combustion engine vehicles, imposing higher operating costs on owners, coercing them to buy EVs. Used cars will also become more expensive as supply drops and demand increases.

Why Mandate EV's?

Mandate supporters maintain the state must adopt EVs to improve air quality, especially in the Philadelphia Metro Area, including New Castle County. But a 40-year review of Philadelphia’s Annual Air Quality Index shows a steady, dramatic improvement. In 1981, 156 “unhealthy” days were recorded. That number dropped to just 6 days in 2019 (pre-COVID). The number of “good” days (the best category) jumped from 18 in 1981 to 244 in 2019 – all without any significant contribution made by electric vehicles.

Even Gov. John Carney, whose directive started the process of promulgating the EV mandate regulations, concedes that most of the state's air pollution is not produced by Delawareans. Writing in a June 2018 opinion column lamenting the lack of pollution controls on out-of-state power plants, the governor stated that "90% of Delaware's air pollution comes from other states."

EV Mandates Hurt the Poor

Delaware does not need an EV sales mandate. Many vehicle manufacturers have already made firm commitments. However, EVs are not the right choice for everyone. EV range, cost, utility, and load-hauling capability remain challenges in many situations. And EVs impose greater hardships on modest-income families, and those living without in-home charging options (apartments, condos, urban areas with on-street parking).

My Car My Choice!

The underlying hubris of the electric vehicle mandate proponents is that anyone who disagrees must be forced to comply for their own good. I believe most Delawareans know when they’re being sold a lemon, even when the pitch is delivered with the skill of a used car salesman.

Consumers should have the freedom to choose the vehicles that best meet their needs and means. EVs will be adopted as the technology matures, prices moderate, and they become more attractive. Government should not be forcing the issue.

SAVE THE DATE: Don't Miss "The Lies of Climate Change" with Dr. Legates.

Save the date for our next Club Meeting, it will be AMAZING!! We will have Dr. David Legates, former professor of Geology University Delaware and climate expert who will deliver the most factual and accurate information we have on climate change. Tell your friends and neighbors to attend, we will advertise this talk in the Coastal Point too! Monday, March 27th, 6:00 p.m. at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach.


A great way to keep up with the DE GOP is to sign up for the Monday 8:00 a.m. GOP "Call to Action" zoom meetings with GOP Chair, Jane Brady and different representative guests that will be featured weekly. Go here to sign up

ALSO, the Delaware legislature will be offering the ability to stream live legislative chamber proceedings and committee meetings on demand anytime, anywhere. Archived live streams are available as well.

For the latest information in Sussex and Kent Counties and the Delaware political scene tune in to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 daily!

Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th 630pm at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


Upcoming 2023 Meetings:

March 27th, 6:30 p.m. Dr. Legates on the Lies of Climate Change

April 24th, 6:30 p.m. Home Title Theft Protection - Julianne Murray, Former Candidate for Governor

April 28th -29th DE GOP Convention

The joint 38th/41st meeting Monday, May 1 at 6:30 pm at the Indian River Senior Center, 214 Irons Ave., Millsboro

The Back The Blue Caravan is scheduled for Thursday, May 11th

May 22nd, 6:30 p.m. Wills - Greg Fuller, Registrar of Wills, Sussex

We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 1371

Bethany Beach, DE 19970



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