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Get Dr. Bellerose Elected IR School Board - Here's How

Writer's picture: Michelle ParsonsMichelle Parsons

Today we need YOUR ACTION to get Dr. Michael Bellerose elected to Indian River School Board this Tuesday, May 9th. Most of us cannot participate in this election as we may not live in District 2, but we can, we HAVE TO, get the vote out in support of Dr. Michael Bellerose. If we do not, then it's a slippery slope down the Progressive, Democrat we Want All The Control Party of DemoKarens, who will be in charge for the long haul, telling YOU and your family what you can do and NOT do. And when we DO get Dr. Bellerose elected, then welcome freedom of thought, freedom of expression, religious freedom and freedom of speech, for our children and for us. Let's get back to basics, reading, writing, arithmetic. No more woke agenda in our schools!

How Do I Help?

Dr. Bellerose will be door knocking this Saturday, May 6, in the Georgetown and Millsboro area of District 2. starting at 9 a.m. Let's come out join him! There will be a route and a list of Republican and Independent homes to visit. Give him a call TODAY if you can help out, and see you there! Call or text him at (603)-391-8685.

Who Else Is Running?

Three candidates are running for one School Board position for the Indian River School Board, District 2 and one candidate is running unopposed in District 3. You can vote in person on Tuesday May 9th, 7am to 8pm, You may also request an absentee ballot click here to request an absentee ballot. But see below to determine if you are in the correct district to be able to vote in this school board election. It's confusing, I know!


Tuesday, May 9th, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Georgetown Elementary School Millsboro Middle School

301-A West Market Street 302 E. State Street

Georgetown, DE Millsboro, DE

District 2

Mike Bellerose

Leo Darmstadter III

Ivan Neal

District 3

Leolga Wright

You must live in school board voting district 2 to vote for a district 2 school board candidate.

You must live in school board voting district 3 to vote for the district 3 school board candidate.

See below for the map of both districts. You can also enter your address into the Delaware Department of Elections website to see which school board districts you live in here then scroll down to view your school board district. No, it is not the same as your representative voting district. Confusing!

Dr. Mike Bellerose - School Board Candidate

Dr. Michael Bellerose is the Sussex Republican party endorsed candidate for this school board election. Bellerose is a registered Republican. Bellerose says he will fight to protect parental rights and supports merit based educational opportunities for students. His website is . If you would like to speak with him or would like to help with his campaign, you can contact him by cell 603-391-8685 or email him at .

Ivan Neal is a registered Democrat. Neal is a retired Administrator in the Indian River School District. (Citation: Linkedin)

Leo Darmstadter III is a registered republican . In August 2020, Darmstadter supported the Indian River School District reopening more swiftly than was planned. (Citation:, 8/27/2020).

The Caesar Rodney Institute's Director of Education Excellence

Tanya Hettler, Ph.D. has recommended a few questions that you can ask of any school board candidate:

  • What are they going to do about the violence in the schools? correct answer: restore consequence based discipline

  • What are they going to do about the poor academic performance? correct answer: back to the basics

  • Need for greater transparency/ parents bill of rights - do they support this?

  • We're at the top in spending but at the bottom in outcomes. How are they going to improve outcomes? Instead of every student getting the same amount of money, do weighted funding to give extra money to those who need it - English learners, low income students, students with disabilities.

You can check out a new website Caesar Rodney Institute has created to help candidates know what to focus on .

38th District Republican Club, PAC, Upcoming Meeting

Please save the date for our next 38th District Republican Club meeting, to be held on Monday April 24th, 6:00 p.m. meet and greet, meeting start at 6:30 p.m., at the South Coastal Library in Bethany Beach. Our featured speaker will be former Gubernatorial candidate, Julianne Murray, Esq. Julianne Murray will be speaking on the topic of home title theft protection, and other relevant home ownership legal topics. This should be intriguing information so please plan to attend. You can forward any question you may have for Julianne Murray, Rep. Ron Gray, County Councilman Doug Hudson and Senator Hocker now by emailing .

Save Our Schools Town Hall

The Statewide townhall meeting in Sussex on education in Delaware, "Save Our Schools", was held on Wednesday, April 19th, at Sussex Central High School.

The town halls examined four issues facing parents, students, and citizens: Academic Achievement, Parental Rights, School Safety, and Funding. The speakers included Dr. Tanya Hettler, PhD, from the Caesar Rodney Institute, Julia Zammith from Rodel, Dr. Elana Fishbein, PhD, CEO of NO LEFT TURN, Inc., and Sen. Charles Postles.

Join Back The Blue Car Caravan

Thursday, May 11, 10:00 am.


Those wishing to offer verbal comments during the public hearing must pre-register no later than noon on the day of the hearing to be added to the list of commenters who will be recognized to speak during the comment portion of the hearing. Register Here.

Each commenter is asked to formally identify themselves for the record, and to make their comments as concisely as possible. You will get 3 minutes, so prepare and practice!

If a person has already submitted written comment to the Department for inclusion into the hearing record prior to the hearing, it is already in the record. Therefore, it is not necessary to offer the same comment verbally at the hearing. But you can do both anyway!


The virtual Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 26th, 6:30 p.m. Click here now to register to comment verbally during the hearing. When you select this, PREPARE your 3 minute comment! Register Here to Comment during the Hearing.

If you would like to just listen to the Public Hearing, you may dial this number:


Use Meeting ID 963 6971 8957 and

Passcode 693764.

Any problems with registering to comment contact Janella Sapp at 302-739-9001.


Choose ONE Topic per email/letter/comment to address to DNREC.


For the latest information in Sussex and Kent Counties and the Delaware political scene tune in to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 daily!

Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th 630pm at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


Upcoming 2023 Meetings:

The Back The Blue Caravan is scheduled for Thursday, May 11th

May 22nd, 6:30 p.m. Wills - Greg Fuller, Registrar of Wills, Sussex

We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 1371

Bethany Beach, DE 19970

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