Just six years ago, Governor Carney, along with Senator Tom Carper, House Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester and the Rehoboth Beach Commissioners all took a strong stance to oppose offshore seismic testing, siting it as harmful to our coast, dangerous to marine life, and could impact our fishing industry and tourism.
Governor Carney was so adamantly opposed to the danger of offshore seismic testing that in 2018 he co-signed a letter, along with nine other governors, addressed to the US Commerce Secretary and Interior Secretary to immediately halt seismic testing.
So if Governor Carney knew six years ago that offshore seismic testing wreaks havoc on whales, other marine life, and impacts our coastal fishing industry and tourism, then what has changed now that he now supports offshore seismic testing? Is it because in 2018, Governor Carney opposed seismic testing when it was utilized for offshore oil, but now, if seismic testing is utilized for offshore wind, it's totally ok? So Governor Carney's current actions exactly contradicts his actions from just a few years ago. I believe that is the actual definition of hypocrisy: claiming to have certain beliefs about what is right but behaving in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.
Governor Carney Is Right, But In 2018!
A deaf whale is a dead whale. Whales that have sustained permanent damage to their hearing organs by underwater seismic blasts, lose their sense of hearing and echolocation, a form of sonar, so that they cannot feed, navigate or communicate. These whales starve, to death. And recently we just saw a young malnourished whale wash up on the most identifiable beach in Delaware, just north of the Indian River Inlet Bridge, a young starving whale, that was completely emaciated, separated from his pod, alive, but wasting away as he beached himself ashore [read more here]. Underwater seismic testing kills. And Governor Carney knows this. He signed his name to a document affirming that he knows this. And you can read it for yourself below. Seismic testing in our area.

Governor Carney Against Offshore Seismic Testing - Dec 20,2018
As written in this article, Governor Carney joins nine other Atlantic Seaboard Governors urging protection for our coast against seismic testing. Carney and a group of bipartisan governors urged Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to halt harmful seismic testing associated with offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean.
December 20, 2018
The Honorable Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. Secretary U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20230
The Honorable Ryan Zinke Secretary U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20240
Dear Secretary Ross and Secretary Zinke:
As the governors of 10 states on the Atlantic seaboard, we write to reiterate our strong opposition to seismic airgun surveys and oil and gas drilling off our coasts [38th Interject: airgun seismic surveys are used in offshore wind turbine surveying to assess the geology and suitability of the seabed for installing wind turbines]. These activities pose an unacceptable and unnecessary threat to our coastal ecosystems and coastal economies. We emphatically disagree with the recent decision by the Department of Commerce to issue incidental harassment authorizations (IHAs) for seismic airgun surveys in the Atlantic Ocean. [38th Interject: so in 2018 Gov Carney was opposed to killing whales (IHA), but now in 2024 killing whales and IHA is ok.] We urge the Department of the Interior to deny permits for seismic airgun surveys in the Atlantic. In addition, we adamantly oppose the inclusion of any Atlantic Ocean region in the final 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.
[38th Interject: This next paragraph SAYS IT ALL!!!!]
The coastal economies in each of our states depend upon vibrant tourism and fishing industries. The IHAs would allow five companies to conduct seismic airgun surveys in the Atlantic Ocean, despite peer-reviewed evidence portending significant harmful impacts to marine mammals and fisheries, including endangered species. Seismic airgun surveying can cause acute, cumulative, and chronic negative impacts on the ability of marine mammals to send and receive signals that are essential for feeding, reproduction, raising offspring, and navigation. The repeated, loud noises from airgun blasts also risk diminishing essential fish stocks for commercial and recreational fishing communities in our states.
[This is EXACTLY what we the people have been saying!!]
The seismic survey restrictions in the IHAs do not ensure that such activities will have a negligible impact on affected species. These restrictions, for example, fail to account for the ability of seismic airgun pulses to travel over long distances, the correct exposure thresholds for changes in species behavior, and the cumulative impacts of conducting multiple seismic airgun surveying operations at once. As a result, conducting seismic surveys under these authorizations can lead to mortality and permanent injury of fish and marine mammals, including endangered species such as the North Atlantic right whale. [Governor Carney's signed testimony: "conducting seismic surveys under these authorizations can lead to mortality and permanent injury of fish and marine mammals, including endangered species such as the North Atlantic right whale".]
The Atlantic Coast’s ocean economy generates more than $98 billion in gross domestic product, an economic impact that would be jeopardized by seismic airgun surveys and offshore oil and gas drilling. More than 200 local governments have passed resolutions opposing seismic airgun surveying and/or offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean. Tourism associations, convention and visitors bureaus, businesses, trade groups, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle also have voiced opposition to these activities.
State and local leaders in our states have voiced consistent, bipartisan opposition to seismic airgun surveys and offshore drilling. We ask that you respect our request and concerns by denying all permit applications and issuing no further IHAs for seismic airgun surveys in the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, we request that you exclude the Atlantic Ocean from the 2019- 2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for offshore drilling and deny any future activities whose purpose is to support offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean.
[38th Interject: We agree, Governor Carney, and in your own admission, "We ask that you respect our request and concerns by denying all permit applications and issuing no further IHAs for seismic airgun surveys in the Atlantic Ocean", just as you yourself have affirmed.]
Roy Cooper Governor of North Carolina
Henry McMaster Governor of South Carolina
Dannel Malloy Governor of Connecticut
Andrew Cuomo Governor of New York
Larry Hogan Governor of Maryland
Charlie Baker Governor of Massachusetts
John Carney Governor of Delaware
Ralph Northam Governor of Virginia
Gina Raimondo Governor of Rhode Island
Phillip D. Murphy Governor of New Jersey
Do YOU Think Governor Carney Is A Hypocrite? Tell Him!
Dear Governor Carney, Email Here
Since in your own words, in a 2018 letter you co-signed along with nine other governors, you affirmed that peer-reviewed evidence shows that offshore seismic testing causes significant harmful impacts to marine mammals and fisheries, including endangered species and that seismic airgun surveying can cause acute, cumulative, and chronic negative impacts on the ability of marine mammals to send and receive signals that are essential for feeding, reproduction, raising offspring, and navigation, and that the repeated, loud noises from airgun blasts also risk diminishing essential fish stocks for commercial and recreational fishing communities in our state, I need you to stand by your own words of 2018 and oppose all offshore seismic testing now, in 2024. or risk being the most hypocritical and hated Delaware governor for all time.
Your letter for reference: https://governor.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2018/12/East-Coast-Governors-Letter-to-Sec-Ross-Sec-Zinke-20181220.pdf
Email Governor Carney today!
Donald J. Trump Singled Out DE GOP Chair Julianne Murray
During the Trump Rally this weekend, Donald Trump stated he was opposed to offshore wind! And if you believe that our Fearless leader and Chair of the Delaware Republican Party is fighting for us to win in November 2024, so does former President Donald J. Trump, who took a moment to acknowledge and single out Julianne Murray for her efforts to successfully push back against unconstitutional early voting in Delaware general elections. Yep, our Delaware GOP is a force to be reckoned with. Thank you, Julianne!
The 38th District Republican Club is now an authorized reseller of Trump gear. Order your Trump merch, yard signs, hats etc here and a portion of the proceeds goes to the 38th Club, so we can continue our mission, Standing Up for What's Right!
Sussex Region Meeting
Monday, 5/13/2024, 6:00 pm Advisory Board Meeting, FUNdraiser to follow 6:30pm at Revelation Brewery, 413 S. Bedford St, Georgetown.
Services for Wayne Carmean
The 38th District Republican Club will be honoring the memory of our beloved friend, Wayne Carmean, at our upcoming meeting, May 28th. Please see information regarding services for Wayne below. We will have more information and a dedicated post to honor the loving memory of Wayne Carmean, husband, father and friend to all.
Visitation & Service Friday the 17th at 10A.M.
St Mathews by the Sea Methodist Church, Fenwick Island.
When Wayne retired as an educator and moved full-time to Fenwick Island in 2001, he became involved in the early organization of the 38th Republican Club along with Loretta Alberti, a longtime supporter of Gerald Hocker who was then a State Representative. Wayne first served as a Co-chair for the informal 38th Club where he was instrumental in writing the By-laws and organizing the "official" 38th Republican Club. Later he was elected and served as the President for this group. Along with participation in numerous activities and committees for the 38th, Wayne was selected to be a Delegate for several State Conventions. As a former military officer and history teacher, Wayne remained passionate about supporting good government and leadership. His funeral visitation and service with military honors will be held beginning at 10:00 a.m. on May 17th (his 85th birthday) at Saint Matthews By The Sea Methodist Church in Fenwick Island, DE.
Listen to WGMD every morning for the latest update on our area and all things political. 92.7 or 98.5.
If you like what we do and would like to help support our mission, please send us a donation. We thank you for choosing to keep the 38th District Republican Club a success and a beaming light of conservative values in Delaware!
Like our logo? Buy a t-shirt or hat here!
Do you want to get more involved locally? The 38th District includes Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millville, Selbyville and Frankford. YOU can make a difference! Email info@38thdrcp.com for more information. Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.
Listen to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 for local news!
Join the GOP - Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense!
Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 184
Frankford, DE 19945
We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please
Email: info@38thdrcp.com
Upcoming 2023 Meetings
Indian River School Board Election, May 14th, Millville Community Center and IRHS
State Republican Party Convention, May 18th
Julianne Murray Speaker, 38th Club Meeting, Tuesday, May 28th, Fenwick Crab House, 6:30pm
June 1, Trump Boat Parade - postponed
State Primary Election, September 10, 2024
General Election, November 5, 2024
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only. The content provided is for general information and entertainment purposes, and should not be construed as professional advice. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Club. Readers are encouraged to seek professional guidance or conduct their own research when making decisions based on the information provided in this newsletter. The Club does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in this newsletter and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions. Website paid for by the 38th District Republican Club PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.