Please plan to join Julianne Murray this Wednesday 5/8/2024 at 6:00 pm as Julianne will formally announce her bid to run for Delaware State Governor! This what so many of us have been waiting for, to have a strong republican candidate with statewide name recognition, with the know how, capability and guts to WIN this election and be our new Governor! Come out and watch history in the making so you can say YOU were there when.
Fins Ale House and Raw Bar is located on Route 1, Coastal Highway, in Rehoboth Beach. Come early and plan to carpool and let's kickoff 2024 to fight for what is RIGHT! Do you want to know HOW to win? Read below....
Rick for RNC is RIGHT!
As I had mentioned in previous comments, we are witnessing the managed decline of the greatest nation the earth has ever seen. We can save this state and this Republic, but it needs to be done collectively. We do this through change that is desperately needed. In Delaware we have lost seats (see below), nationally we have under performed. Our National Committeeman plays a role, and we need accountability. We need to pivot from the current RNC direction. I am at the tip of spear in this pivot point.
The system will only change when we the people force the change. We need to be force multipliers.
Lastly, one thing that I have done successfully throughout my career is to use facts, data and common sense to rally people to a common cause and deliver the change that is desperately needed. That is what I will do as National Committeeman for Delaware.
If you agree with me, please vote for Rick Radatovich for National Committeeman.
The vote for National Committeeman is at the dinner Friday night 17-MAY-24 before the state convention on Saturday.

Michelle Parsons, 38th Representative District Chair
I agree with Rick, things have to change in Delaware and how we create a path toward winning elections in Delaware. New ideas, fresh strategies need to be employed. We came together as a State Party to win the 37th Special Election, and it is THAT strategy that needs to happen again. If you would like to be part of this Statewide approach to winning in Delaware, email here to be part of the winning team!
Listen to WGMD every morning for the latest update on our area and all things political. 92.7 or 98.5.
If you like what we do and would like to help support our mission, please send us a donation. We thank you for choosing to keep the 38th District Republican Club a success and a beaming light of conservative values in Delaware!
Like our logo? Buy a t-shirt or hat here!
Do you want to get more involved locally? The 38th District includes Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millville, Selbyville and Frankford. YOU can make a difference! Email info@38thdrcp.com for more information. Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.
Listen to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 for local news!
Join the GOP - Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense!
Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 184
Frankford, DE 19945
We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please
Email: info@38thdrcp.com
Upcoming 2023 Meetings
Indian River School Board Election, May 14th, Millville Community Center and IRHS
State Republican Party Convention, May 18th
Julianne Murray Speaker, 38th Club Meeting, Tuesday, May 28th, Fenwick Crab House, 6:30pm
June 1, Trump Boat Parade
State Primary Election, September 10, 2024
General Election, November 5, 2024
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only. The content provided is for general information and entertainment purposes, and should not be construed as professional advice. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Club. Readers are encouraged to seek professional guidance or conduct their own research when making decisions based on the information provided in this newsletter. The Club does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in this newsletter and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions.
It’s ashame Julianne is going to step down as president since a state chair can’t run for office unless no one else is running. It will be nice to see someone run based off the Republican way, faith, family and values. Great leaders lead off of these basic principles, like the Navy saying “loose lips and hips sink ships” not this state, not this county and I pray not this district.
Of course our leader is going to the state convention where alcohol drinks are sold, nominating someone who they talk with daily and idolize. I wouldn’t expect anything different from someone who more about appearance than substance, all show no go. Who uses our Facebook page to sell their home (Nov 4th) and promote their business (Oct 17) which is not in our district, someone who can’t get 10% of the group to show up to an event, someone who’s own self promotion is above the group, someone who one month say don’t use mail in voting while next month saying we need to use mail in voting, writing posts about the terrible 2024 Delaware budget yet quiet about Representative…