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Joint 38th/41st Meeting Monday 5/1/23 AND GOP Chair Election Winner

Writer's picture: 38th District Republican Club38th District Republican Club

Note from Drew Sunderlin:

Friends of the 41st and 38th District Republican Clubs,

We are pleased to have members of the 38th District Republican Club join us for the May meeting.

Attached you will find the agenda for this coming Monday night’s meeting (May 1st). We are excited to have both Chief Ken McLaughlin (Ocean View) and Lt. David Moyer (Millsboro) as our guest speakers. Chief McLaughlin and Lt. Moyer will be addressing issues that affect both districts and you will have the opportunity to ask community outreach questions to them, if not already covered in their presentation. National Police Week begins soon and this is our salute, along with the Back the Blue Caravan on May 11th (see attached flyer) to show how much we appreciate their service and dedication to our community. We will also hear from both the 38th and 41st RD’s about the Delaware State GOP Convention. Our elected officials will give their reports on the latest coming out of Dover.

If you cannot make the meeting, please sign up for the Caravan. If you would like to donate money for the Caravan (used exclusively to purchase snacks for the various law enforcement departments), please do so. Checks can be made out to “41st Republican Club” and please put “Back the Blue Caravan” on the memo line OR you can donate snacks (sealed packages, please). Our law enforcement agencies deserve our recognition and respect. Thank you!

My best,

Drew Sunderlin/President 41st District Republican Club & PAC

Call to order

Prayer – Greg Fuller

Pledge – Tom Molnar

Welcome to the 38th District Republican Club

New Members & Guests Recognition

Guest Speakers – Chief Ken McLaughlin, Ocean View PD & Lt. David Moyer, Millsboro PD

New Business

1. Treasurer’s Report – Robin Pilkerton

2. 41st RD Report – Jennie Quinn, + 38th RD - Pat Procaccini

3. President’s Message – “Working Together” – Drew Sunderlin (41st) w/Michelle Parsons (38th)

4. Elected Official’s Reports

5. Upcoming Events – Back The Blue Caravan, May 11, 10 am – 12:30 pm.; Race4Warriors, May 13th, 11-6 pm, Cape Henlopen State Park


The Delaware State GOP Convention

The Convention kicked off Friday evening with a celebratory dinner with Statewide republican members, delegates, representatives, and guest speaker, Kellyanne Conway. Saturday, the Party got down to business and elected a new State GOP Executive Board! Our new Party leaders are enthusiastic, have drive and determination to WIN ELECTIONS and will take the Delaware GOP farther than we have ever gone before! We look forward to working with our new Party leadership. Let us know how YOU would like to get more involved in the Delaware Republican Party. We thank Pat Procaccini for his leadership as RDC of the 38th District and 38th Convention Delegates!

Our New Delaware GOP Leadership

State Chair - Julianne Murray

Vice Chair - Jim Weldin

Treasurer - Ben Gregg

Secretary - Brandon Brice

You have our heartfelt thanks for stepping up and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

- 38th District Republican Club, PAC, Executive Board


For the latest information in Sussex and Kent Counties and the Delaware political scene tune in to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 daily!

Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th 630pm at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


Upcoming 2023 Meetings:

The joint 38th/41st meeting Monday, May 1 at 6:30 pm at the Indian River Senior Center, 214 Irons Ave., Millsboro

The Back The Blue Caravan is scheduled for Thursday, May 11th

May 22nd, 6:30 p.m. Wills - Greg Fuller, Registrar of Wills, Sussex

We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 1371

Bethany Beach, DE 19970



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