The 2023 Delaware Legislative Session has wrapped up this June 30th, and we are grateful, whew! Here is the recap!
Our Republican Senators and Representatives having been working tirelessly for us, despite a huge disadvantage of being outnumbered, with only15 republicans vs 26 democrats in the House and 6 republicans vs 15 democrats in the Senate. Democrats have the simple majority in both House and Senate. However, for financial bills to pass, a super majority, or 2/3, is required to pass such measures, so by a VERY slim margin, the majority party still needs republican cooperation to pass financial bills. What the Delaware democrats are gunning for though, is a SUPER majority, where ZERO cooperation from republicans will be required to pass any ludicrous bill they choose. So stay tuned, we will be instituting measures to Get Out The Vote in the 38th District for sure and the State!
EV Mandate Update
One of the best things that has been kept in check this legislative session has been blocking the EV mandate, and moving to put that authority out of the control of the Director of DNREC and back in the control of the Legislature, where it belongs. This in thanks due to the great efforts of Senator Brian Pettyjohn. Thank you!
What Is A Firearm?
Our representatives have also pushed to make a resolution to change the definition of a "firearm" in Delaware. Currently, Delaware classifies firearms as anything that has a forced projectile. So in Delaware, a child's slingshot, a staple gun and even some aggressive fly swatters are considered firearms. With the passage of this Resolution, we will bring Delaware in alignment with the rest of the 49 United States to classify a firearm more appropriately. A push for constitutional carry however did not make it out of committee.
Watch The Sound of Freedom
If you have not seen the movie Sound of Freedom yet, I recommend it. It is not graphic, and is an easy watch of a highly disturbing topic, human trafficking of children. If you are not aware, yes, human trafficking exists in Delaware, and I thank Senator Bryant Richardson for SB 43 which passed to push to make human trafficking more acknowledged in Delaware and to help create a contact in case one suspects human trafficking. I know I saw the national hotline posted in Delaware rest stops, 1-888-373-3888 is the National Hotline if you suspect human trafficking. Visit the Delaware website on human trafficking here:
And beware, yes, there is interference being made to stop Americans from watching this movie, with reports of "camera failures" and loss of AC. Yep, we watched the movie without AC at the Flagship Premium Cinemas, West Ocean City.
Bold New DE GOP Field Director Report
Our Bold New DE GOP is hard at work too! Chris Rowe, our DE GOP State Field Director, has identified registered republicans who did not vote, and will work to get them absentee ballots if needed. Calls are being made to each one in every district asking these voters why they did not vote in our last election. So far the most common response has been that these folks do not believe that their vote would count. Our reply to that is, If you don't vote, no it doesn't. But, truly, DE GOP will be aiding this voters become active voters again.
GOP Chair
Chair Julianne Murray is currently working on choosing candidates for all of the upcoming races. If you are interested in running or know a potential candidate, please reach out to our Chair . Julianne Murray was also able to meet with former President Donald Trump this weekend and extend to him an invitation to visit Delaware!! Such a visit would absolutely get out of the vote!!
Become a 38th District Election District Captain
If you would like to get busy and aid the Sussex GOP, specifically the 38th District, get out the vote, please consider becoming an Election District Captain, or we can get you in touch with your Election District Captain to help get out the vote in your neighborhood. We are taking applications now!
Next 38th Club Meeting
We will not have a Club meeting this July and we are still waiting on a date for our August Beach Bonfire with Rep. Ron Gray. There is still plenty of work to do in our district, so please email to get more involved so we can hit the ground running in September! To hear the latest about Sussex GOP and the 38th District tune in to WGMD 92.7 Tuesday 7/18/2021 9 a.m. to noon! Any concerns or questions email us here . Our next Club meeting will be September 25th, 6:30 p.m., to be held at The Fenwick Crab House, Fenwick Island. Come early and get dinner, support our local businesses!
Call to Action - Delaware State Fair Bans Open and Concealed Carry
Please send a letter or email the Board of Directors of the Delaware State Fair your thoughts and feelings on their ban on open and concealed carry at the Delaware State Fair. See below sample letter.
Delaware State Fair Board of Directors
P.O. Box 28
Harrington, DE 19952
or email to:
Dear Rebekkah, As a born & raised Delawarean, I have been coming to the Fair for the last several decades. Each time I attended I was carrying my sidearm concealed. In Fact, I know dozens of Concealed Carry Owners who also attended in the past. And no one was ever injured by a licensed gun owner. EVER! Does the State Fair Board really understand what they have done here? Most of these Good, Law-abiding Gun Owners will now stay home this year. Yet, Unbelievably, You have broadcast to the world that the people visiting the Fair will now be unarmed and defenseless. Every criminal and person intent on doing harm is now made aware of thousands of sheep available for shearing. And I am not talking about the 4-legged ones at the fair. And, If you think this position will stop criminals from smuggling arms inside the Fair, you are fooling only yourselves. A firearm can easily be tossed over the fence to a criminal for them to do their damage. A few Troopers scattered around the grounds throughout the Fair will not deter evil from doing what they do. What will happen is that many Firearm owners licensed to carry will not come to the Fair this year and will keep their families home as well for their protection. This is not a decision based upon wisdom, but based upon fear & ignorance. I pray nothing happens at the Fair that could cause you to regret this decision.
Send away your letters Mighty 38th!!
For the latest information in Sussex and Kent Counties and the Delaware political scene tune in to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 daily!
Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! We meet the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach, unless otherwise specified. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.
Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
Upcoming 2023 Meetings:
July 24th - No Meeting
August - Bonfire on The Beach, date pending
September 25th - Club Meeting, Fenwick Crab House
October 23rd - Club Meeting, Roxana Fire Hall
November 27th - Club Meeting, Roxana Fire Hall
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970
