Today our Sussex County volunteers attended the Sussex Department of Elections (DOE) Preparation and Scanning of the Absentee Ballots for the Primary Election, at Sussex DOE office in Georgetown. Our volunteers acted as official Challengers for the Donyale Hall for US Congress Campaign. Our Challengers successfully challenged 10 Absentee ballots, out of the 3,000 ballots returned to the DOE thus far, 8/27/2024. For our FIRST effort doing this, this was a success!
The Process
There were four designated areas for the processing of Absentee Ballots. Each area was manned by 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats, from the DOE. The Sussex DOE Director, Bo McDowell, and Deputy Director, Tracey Wilkerson, were also in attendance. At each processing area, the ballot envelopes were handled, inspected, and the voter's name read off to our Challengers. This was accomplished in alphabetical order, and in order of RD and ED. Since four RDs were handled simultaneously, it was essential that we had four Challengers, so as not to miss an opportunity to challenge. Kent and NCC might require more Challengers and I would recommend checking in with the respective county DOEs.
Our Challengers first watched as each ballot was handled by the DOE staff, and it was our Challengers that called attention when a ballot envelope did not have a signature. Not one DOE staff member noticed when a ballot envelope did not have a signature. Is this fraud? Unlikely. Is a signature required? Sure is! And this process needs to be ensured.
Thanks to the Election Integrity Task Force, we had three names that the team was prepped to challenge. One voter was an Inactive Voter, having not voted at all since 2008. an Inactive Voter is required to vote in person. At first, our challenge was denied, but then upon further review, allowed. Our team challenged two other names, voters who had a hit on the National Change of Address database that have been reported to have moved out of Delaware some time ago. Again, at first, the team met resistance, but then our challenges were accepted.
What happens to these challenges?
The voters who did not sign the envelope of their Absentee Ballot are to be called by the DOE to come in to sign their ballot. This is an important step to ensure the voters did in fact request and submit an Absentee Ballot. Several married couples signed the other's Absentee Ballot envelopes. These ballots were accepted and processed.
Some ballots were damaged in transit from the United State Post Office or shredded by the DS450 envelope opener. These ballots were evaluated by the DOE staff, made up of 2 Republicans and two democrats, and duplicate ballots created by the DOE staff.
The three "official" challenges made by our team, were set aside to be adjudicated at a later time. Will we hear the outcome of these challenges? I hope so! What was requested by the Sussex DOE Director, is that the more info we can provide on the voters that we challenge, the better. We will do our best going forward.
All that said, our team reported that initially the Sussex DOE was a bit cool toward the challenger team, though when they determined that we were on the side of authenticity and honesty, they loosened up. And when the DOE paused for lunch, they even treated our Challengers to pizza!
Another concern brought up by our team, is the chain of custody of these ballots. How do they remain protected and undisturbed? Good questions. One of our Challengers remained to witness the actual scanning of the Absentee Ballots.
As receiving Absentee Ballots is ongoing, the next Prepping and Opening of the Absentee Ballots for the Primary Election will be Wednesday, Sept 4 at the Georgetown DOE, 10am - 2pm. Please email if you can attend, as we need to have a minimum of 4 Challengers and more Challengers in training!
Overall, our Challengers believe this preparing and opening of the Absentee Ballots is a good thing as the volume of ballots to be processed takes quite a bit of time and would take a much longer time if attempted to be accomplished in one day.
Also, one of our Challengers, has taken on the task of reviewing the Instructions Manual of the ES&S Electronic Voting Machines! This Challenger, in a former life, used to write technical manuals and can determine if an English speaker wrote the manual or not. Very interesting, so stay tuned!
New Castle County
Logic And Accuracy Testing of Primary Election Voting Machines
August 28, 2024 10:00 AM
Department of Elections
Logic & Accuracy Testing of Primary Election ExpressVote XL Voting Machines to be used for Election Day Voting Pursuant to 15 Del. C. 5008A.
Parkway Industrial Park
220 Lisa Dr
New Castle DE 19720
NCC volunteers, please attend this event: Ask questions, be curious, report back what you find with recommendations!
Sussex County
Preparation & Scanning of Early Voting Ballots for Primary Election
Thursday, 8/29/24, 10:00am
DOE, 119 N Race St, Georgetown
Email if you can attend.
Will get more info on the details for this event. Please email if you can attend
Logic and Accuracy Testing of Primary Election Voting Machines to be Used for Election Day Voting
Tuesday, 9/3/2024, 10:00am
DOE Warehouse, 200 Allen St, Seaford
Email if you can attend.
This will be our chance to again review this process of testing the accuracy of the Voting Machines. Please email if you can attend
Preparing and Opening of Absentee Ballots
Wednesday, 9/4/2024, 10am
DOE Warehouse, 200 Allen St, Seaford
Email if you can attend.
Kent County
Logic and Accuracy Testing of Primary Election Absentee Tabulating Equipment and Voting Machines
Department of Elections
Public Meeting: Logic & Accuracy Testing of the Absentee Tabulating Equipment and Voting Machines to be used in the Primary Election Pursuant to 15 Del. C. 5523 and 5008A.
September 03, 2024 10:00 AM
Enterprise Business Park
100 Enterprise Pl
Dover DE 19904
Kent County Volunteers: please attend this event!
Preparation and Scanning of Early Voting Ballots for Primary Election
Carry Absentee Ballot Request Forms With You!
Department of Elections
Preparation and Scanning of Early Voting Ballots for the Primary Election
September 03, 2024 01:00 PM
Enterprise Business Park
100 Enterprise Pl
Dover DE 19904
Kent County Volunteers: please attend this event!
Check HERE for more DOE events.
Absentee Ballots
Bank your vote. No one can steal your vote, when you request an Absentee Ballot!
The last day to submit a request for a Primary Election absentee ballot to be mailed is Friday, September 6, 2024.
The deadline for the Department of Elections to issue absentee ballots for the Primary Election is Monday, September 9, 2024 at noon.
Absentee ballots must be received by the Department of Elections by Election Day September 10, 2024 at the close of polls, 8 p.m., in order to count.
Early Voting Days Primary Election
Various places in the County including Millville Community Center, Dukes Road, Millville
Wednesday, August 28, 11am-7pm
Thursday, August 29, 11am-7pm
Friday, August 30, 11am-7pm
Saturday, August 31, 11am-7pm
Tuesday, September 3, 11am-7pm
Wednesday, September 4, 7am-7pm
Thursday, September 5, 7am-7pm
Friday, September 6, 7am-7pm
Saturday, September 7, 7am-7pm
Sunday, September 8, 7am-7pm
Primary Election Day
Tuesday, September 10, 7am-7pm
At your regular polling location.
Check out a Sample Ballot for the Primary Election
US Representative in Congress
Donyale Hall John J. Whalen III
Jerrold A. Price Mike Ramone Bobby Williamson
Volunteer Zoom Meetings
The weekly volunteer Zoom meeting will be held most Tuesdays, at 630pm. If you get more intimately involved with what the 38th is doing to GOTV in the 38th, then please email here to learn more.
For Delaware!
Follow the 38th District on Facebook!
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Like our logo? Buy a t-shirt or hat here!
Do you want to get more involved locally? The 38th District includes Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millville, Selbyville and Frankford. YOU can make a difference! Email for more information. Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.
Listen to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 for local news!
Join the GOP:
Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense!
Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 184
Frankford, DE 19945
We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please
Upcoming 2023 Meetings
38th Club Meeting, Monday, August 26th, 6:30pm, Millville Town Hall
38th Club Meeting, Monday, September 23rd, 6:30pm
38th Club Meeting, Monday, October 28th, 6:30pm
State Primary Election, September 10, 2024
General Election, November 5, 2024
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only. The content provided is for general information and entertainment purposes, and should not be construed as professional advice. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Club. Readers are encouraged to seek professional guidance or conduct their own research when making decisions based on the information provided in this newsletter. The Club does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in this newsletter and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions. Website paid for by the 38th District Republican Club PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.