WGMD is leading the charge to get the word out to share and inform as any many Delawareans as possible to let them know about the plan to ban traditionally powered vehicles in Delaware. WGMD 98.5 will be airing the DNREC workshop live on their radio station Thursday 12/15/22 6 p.m. Or stream live here https://www.wgmd.com/Please get the word out to tune in to this program on Thursday. This is VITAL information that EVERYONE needs to know about!!!! Please read below. It's time to Get 'Er Done Mighty 38th!! "Stay Informed, Educate Others, Act NOW!"
Message from WGMD (paraphrased):
In March, Gov. John Carney directed DNREC to begin the process of promulgating the California regulations in Delaware, which include zero-emission vehicle (electric) standards. Under the regulations Delaware is adopting, the sale of traditionally fueled light-duty passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs will be rapidly scaled down starting in late 2025, culminating with a total ban on the sale of new gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles in late 2034 (model year 2035).
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is hosting a virtual public workshop this week on the adoption of California’s Advanced Clean Car II standards that seek to restrict, and later ban, the sale of most new vehicles powered by gasoline and diesel.
As a public service, WGMD 98.5 will commit up to 2 hours of airtime Thursday evening 6 pm - 8 pm to air the Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Clean Air Workshop. The primary reason for airing this event is to educate those who do not have the internet facilities to receive the ZOOM presentation. This will be the third workshop on this topic, and if it follows the previous events, it promises to be spirited once all the BS has been presented.
This is an important change coming to the First State. Please promote heavily, inform your friends and neighbors, share these links on Facebook and email to your contacts.
Walt Palmer (WGMD)
Director of Broadcast Operations, Engineering, and Programming
WHEN: Thursday 12/15/2022 6 p.m.
WHERE: Listen to WGMD 98.5
You can also listen/watch by Zoom:
Thursday, December 15 at 6 p.m.
Use this DNREC link for details and to participate: https://dnrec.alpha.delaware.gov/events/public-workshop-draft-amendments-to-the-low-emission-vehicle-program-5/ There will be a "Join Online" link to connect via Zoom.
Zoom Link:
Event Number: 836 4960 7741
Password: 071511
Dial-in Number: 1-646-876-9923
ALSO, DNREC will accept written comments on the proposal through Dec. 30, 2022. Send letters to:
Division of Air Quality
100 West Water Street, Suite 6A
Dover, DE 19904
Or via Email: kyle.krall@delaware.gov an engineer at DNREC
Email Governor Carney: https://governor.delaware.gov/email-governor-carney/
Dear Governor Carney and Mr. Krall,
I am a resident of Delaware and as such I am 100% opposed to this legislation that plans to eliminate traditionally powered vehicles. I am not wealthy, and I cannot afford to purchase, or maintain and replace a battery of an electric vehicle, I can barely afford a traditionally powered vehicle. I fear that my children who are soon to be driving age also will not be able to afford to purchase an EV in their younger years when they will have many other bills such as education, housing and possibly a young family. I am also concerned about the safety of EV's as their frames are lighter and batteries massively heavier which will lead to increase deaths from EV crashes. I am especially afraid and do not support school buses being converted to EV's for this same reason. Show me the extensive studies that show EV's safe first. Also, EV's have in no way been shown to be environmentally superior to traditionally powered vehicle and until that is definitely demonstrated I do not approve of my tax dollars going to wasteful EV charging stations, diverting electric power from an already strained infrastructure and eliminating my option and right as a free American to purchase a vehicle that I see fit to utilize for myself, my family and my occupation. We do not live in Communist China! And I do not live in California! I do not approve of our legislature and governor following the edicts of any other State that has not been voted on and approved by the Delaware population.
If you continue to work toward this end of banning traditionally powered vehicles, then I will make it my top priority to fight against that and your office and I will ensure that you will be voted out of office.
Town in Delaware
Merry Christmas Might 38th District Republican Club!! No official meeting in December, please plan to attend our Ugly Christmas Sweater Fundraiser on Wednesday, December 21st, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.! Questions or silent auction items to donate email info@38thdrcp.com .

Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, January 23rd 630pm at the Bethany South Coastal Library, 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.
Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
Email: info@38thdrcp.co
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970
I am opposed to this particular legislation. It affects many retires along the shore area.
Delaware cannot force this issue. It should be a personal decision whether to purchase an electric vehicle. Government overreach, again! Mary and Robert Worch