You will want to read this report! The Republican National Committee, with our own Delaware GOP Chair Jane Brady on this Committee, published a fantastic "Fix" recommendations to better ensure election integrity. It is all common sense that Delaware needs to implement NOW and we will follow up with the Sussex Department of Elections!
And if you can get involved ASAP the plan to attend this class! Our RNC Political Advisor will be in DE to provide training on "Pushing, Chasing and Curing" absentee ballots. The class will be offered in Newark at the Colonial Headquarters located in the Peoples’ Plaza, Newark on 2/22. There will be a repeat of this class on 2/23 in Lincoln at Senator Dave Wilson’s Auction House on Rt #113. The class will be in the Red Barn. Both classes will begin at 6:30 PM. Anyone interested in carpooling please email
OK back to the RNC Election Integrity Committee Report. You can read the full report here and the highlights of the report below.
The Report is addressed to RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, from Joe Gruters, Chairman of Florida Republican Party and Ashley MacLeay, DC National Committeewoman.
"Republicans know the administration of the 2020 election had serious problems and failures regardless of what the press, Democrats, and so-called “experts” say. Laws were disregarded, election observer rights were restricted." Glad they acknowledge this.
"Because of the DNC v. RNC Consent Decree,the RNC had been shut out of most election integrity efforts for nearly four decades, which led to a lack of institutional knowledge to conduct election integrity operations." What the heck is this??
"Poll after poll show that Americans overwhelmingly support integrity measures like voter ID, absentee ballot harvesting bans, and cleaning up the voter rolls. Ironically, even a majority of Democrat voters support many of the policies the Republican Party and this report advocate." Hopefully the "real democrats" do believe in this.
"The Committee’s recommendations include that the RNC refashion its internal election integrity efforts, which have been more focused on “Election Day,” and transform it into a permanent and year-round effort." Amen.
"The Committee opposes all efforts from Congress and the Executive Branch to displace the states’ constitutional and traditional responsibility to administer their own elections and determine their election procedures and voter qualifications. The Republican Party will do everything in its power to prevent a federal takeover of our elections." Right on.
"Auditable Paper Record of All Ballots Cast: All ballots cast in the United States should be on voting systems that produce a paper record of a voter’s selections that is reviewable by the voter before the ballot is tabulated and auditable post-election. " Absolutely, paper is better, at minimum we need to keep our paper ballot record of votes cast.
"Voting systems should not have any wireless, network, or internet connectivity capabilities. Disabling such equipment is not sufficient. States should use the VVSG 2.0 standards as a floor and move to ban the presence of any hardware with network capability from inside a voting system. States should have specific requirements in law for port security and access. External ports must be securely sealed, have unique serial numbers that can be tracked, and have proper chain-of custody safeguards and requirements. 5 All devices used to administer the election must be securely stored when not in use." Does Delaware do this?
"Software and Servers: Only certified software should be installed on each voting system. All software or hardware configurations must be thoroughly tested." Of course, Delaware?
"Administrative Access: States should limit election systems administrative access to only a select few local election officials."
"Voting Machine Logs: Machine logs should be publicly available and should not be deleted or destroyed, especially in the period immediately after an election."
"Certification Processes: States should implement voting systems certification standards that exceed EAC standards.
Logic and Accuracy Testing: States should require local election boards to perform a logic and accuracy test on all voting equipment that will be used to process ballots." Is this done in Delaware?
"Local election officials should have paper pollbooks at each voting location in case the EPBs fail." Delaware currently does NOT have this. Makes sense though!
"Any local election worker who will be operating an EPB should receive ample training and demonstrate competency in operating a EPB prior to working in at a polling location." Currently our poll worker training in Delaware is antiquated. A statewide, uniform, online class should be provided.
"Whenever possible, states and localities should only use voting infrastructure hardware, software, and other products that are designed and manufactured in the United States by American-owned and operated companies."
"The Committee recommends states have a “close of books” deadline prior to election day."
"The Committee opposes automatic voter registration, particularly when it automatically registers the voter instead of allowing the voter to opt-in." What is currently done in Delaware, are citizens automatically registered by the DMV?
"The Committee opposes allowing non-citizens to vote in any elections." Delaware currently on board with this!
"States should require voters to provide a government-issued photo ID while voting in person."
"States should enact reasonable voter ID requirements for absentee voting. These may include requiring the voter to provide a unique identifying number such as a driver’s license number, social security number, or voter ID number when requesting and returning an absentee ballot."
"States should provide in-person voting opportunities for a reasonable time before election day. " Here is early voting, only for primaries in Delaware as of now.
"Election officials should set and publicly post early voting and election day polling locations at least 30 days prior to the start of early voting and election day." It was not easy getting the Sussex Dept of Elections to even advertise in our local papers dates and times of our last election.
"The Committee opposes a universal mail voting system that automatically mails ballots out to voters who do not request one."
"This request should be renewed every one or two election cycles as opposed to the voter remaining on the list permanently." Jane Brady has a current lawsuit against this currently, I Believe.
"States should require all absentee ballots be received by the time polls close on election day, regardless of when they were postmarked. This is the rule in most states and it should be the standard."
"States may consider allowing local election officials to begin pre-processing absentee ballots prior to election day, especially in jurisdictions that receive more absentee ballots than they can reasonably process on election day."
"Members of the public and credentialed poll watchers must be allowed to have reasonable access to observe the entire pre-processing process."
"States should establish specific criteria for which errors are material on a ballot or ballot return envelope (i.e. result in the official rejecting a ballot) and which errors are immaterial. States should codify that these criteria are not discretionary."
"All states should prohibit ballot harvesting/trafficking, which is defined as the collection and return of absentee ballots by third party groups, including political parties." Tell THAT to the democrats!
"Some states may insist on ballot harvesting and Republicans in those places should work to match the Democrats’ efforts instead of not engaging out of principle" Yup!
"States that allow ballot harvesting should heavily regulate the practice and require registration and identification by ballot couriers and impose severe criminal penalties for those who manipulate, destroy, or fail to return ballots."
"If a state allows ballots to be returned at drop boxes, it should require they be located at a government facility, preferably at early voting locations and/or at permanent election offices, are open only during early voting hours or when the local elections office is open, and require monitoring by a local election worker." Delaware does have drop boxes.
"Drop boxes should be emptied daily by a bipartisan team of at least two election workers and on election day immediately after polls close."
"While the Committee does not recommend it, drop boxes that are available 24-hours a day must be under in-person or 24-hour video surveillance. Video recordings should be preserved and readily available for the public to review."
"The Committee recommends states establish post-election verification processes and procedures such as risk-limiting audits. Post-election audits and recounts provide voters confidence that the election was conducted properly." YES!!!
"States should emulate reforms like those recently enacted in Georgia and Iowa that hold local election officials accountable for failing to competently administer their elections or who willfully disregard the law." Like running out of ballots that occurred in New Castle County?
"State authorities should have the authority to remove underperforming local election officials who consistently fail to meet specific criteria for managing the locality’s election processes."
"The RNC should look for offensive litigation opportunities whenever possible." Thank you Jane Brady and Julianne Murray for doing this!!
"States should create their own Election Integrity Committee that will focus on election integrity issues within their state."
"Each state operation should have an Election Integrity Operations (EIO) Director in place early in the cycle in order to better recruit, train, and organize volunteers."
"be a poll worker" I agree!!
"The Subcommittee concluded that the term “Election Day Operations” should be retired from the lexicon of Republican vocabulary because it implies both a limited time period (election day) and scope of activities. Election activities and processes begin weeks and even months before election day and extend beyond election day to include post-election activities."
"Finally, there needs to be a year round effort to recruit, train, and organize volunteers with whom the party can engage."
"America’s election infrastructure has become increasingly reliant on technology, which commensurately increases the risks of asymmetrical cybersecurity threats, constant obsolescence, and the risk for operator-driven problems such as neglected maintenance and programming mistakes." Thank you for acknowledging this!
"election experts agree that the most resilient voting systems use paper ballots" Amen!
"The Help America Vote Act (HAVA), enacted in 2002, required states to implement statewide electronic voter registration systems to consolidate their localities’ voting records in one central location and to interact with other state and federal government databases.
Now, nearly two decades since HAVA’s enactment, states need to enhance their registration systems beyond those basic requirements to provide for enhanced list maintenance, features that detect irregularities, and other technologies to ensure all eligible voter registrations are timely processed."
"Due to a lack of transparency during the 2020 elections, Americans are understandably skeptical about aspects of our voting process and will continue to be unless transparency improves."
"it is imperative that states clean up their voter rolls"
"legislation must be enacted to ensure that the overreach of executive power by Governors and Secretary of State’s is not repeated. The RNC must learn from previous election integrity operations and develop an operation that is year-round, robust, and well-funded, focusing on recruiting, training, and organizing volunteers."
"When engaging on an election integrity issue, it is important to be on the offense and create the message instead of being on defense and responding to it. Each message should be simple and easy to process by using evocative moral words to convey why voters should care about the issue and how it will affect their lives."
I recommend you read the full report for yourselves, link above, and that you consider attedning the upcoming RNC class "Pushing, Chasing and Curing" absentee ballots.
If you would like to be part of the 38th Club committee that would like to ensure the above measures are being accomplished, please email
The class will be offered in Newark at the Colonial Headquarters located in the Peoples’ Plaza, Newark on 2/22. There will be a repeat of this class on 2/23 in Lincoln at Senator Dave Wilson’s Auction House on Rt #113. The class will be in the Red Barn. Both classes will begin at 6:30 PM. Anyone interested in carpooling please email
Would you like to learn more about your home state of Delaware Constitution? Learning our Constitution is the best way to understand our laws, our history, and how we can make a better Delaware going forward! The Delaware Constitution course is a course certified through the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) with IOTC certified instructors Michelle Parsons and Tom Molnar and instructor Bob Lawless. Classes will be held at the Ocean View Town Hall located at 32 West Ave, Ocean View, every Sunday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. starting Sunday February 19th for 6 weeks with the last class to be held on March 26th. Each class is its own unique lesson so there is no need to start at the beginning if you miss the first date. Please email if you plan to attend .
Another great way to keep up with the DE GOP is to sign up for the Monday 8:00 a.m. GOP "Call to Action" zoom meetings with GOP Chair, Jane Brady and different representative guests that will be featured weekly. Go here to sign up
ALSO, the Delaware legislature will be offering the ability to stream live legislative chamber proceedings and committee meetings on demand anytime, anywhere. Archived live streams are available as well.
Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th 630pm at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.
Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
Upcoming 2023 Meetings:
February 27th, 6:30 p.m. House Minority Leader Mike Ramone and Rep Ron Gray
March 27th, 6:30 p.m. Dr. Legates on the Lies of Climate Change
April 24th, 6:30 p.m. Home Title Theft Protection - Julianne Murray, Former Candidate for Governor
April 28th -29th DE GOP Convention
The joint 38th/41st meeting Monday, May 1 at 6:30 pm at the Indian River Senior Center, 214 Irons Ave., Millsboro
The Back The Blue Caravan is scheduled for Thursday, May 11th
May 22nd, 6:30 p.m. Wills - Greg Fuller, Registrar of Wills, Sussex
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970
