Plan to come on out and show your support for the Wounded Warriors and their families who will be spending the week right here in Bethany Beach and surrounding areas for Operation SEAs The Day this Friday September 8th. We will meet at 4:00 p.m. at Representative Ron Gray's office on Route 54. Parking will be available at Rep Ron Gray's business office, 36773 Lighthouse Road, Selbyville, right next to Fenwick Ice. Bring a chair, a friend and your flags! Email here is you can attend .
Also, this Monday, 9/11/2023, Sussex County Republican Committee, will hold it's September meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Millsboro Fire Station, 109 E State Street, Millsboro, DE. Learn how you can get more involved in the Sussex Republican Party.
The 38th will hold our next meeting on Monday September 25th, 6:30 p.m., at the Fenwick Crab House! Come early for dinner and support a local business.
Do you want to get more involved in local politics? The 38th District is looking for neighborhood Election District Captains as we gear up for 2024 Elections. YOU can make a difference! Email . Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.
Do you want to be part of the Solution and Stop the Regressive Progressive Creep? Join the GOP - Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense! Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970
We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please
Upcoming 2023 Meetings:
September 25th - Club Meeting, Fenwick Crab House
October 23rd - Club Meeting, Roxana Fire Hall
November 27th - Club Meeting, Roxana Fire Hall
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
