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Socialist Progressive Creep Want to Raise Our Income Tax!

Writer's picture: 38th District Republican Club38th District Republican Club

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

Progressives are now planning to hit us where it HURTS, Progressive Dems want to raise our State income taxes!!!! This insanity of the uninformed, uneducated childish Lefties has got to stop, but only WE THE PEOPLE can make them!

Democrats in Delaware are proposing to raise income tax across the board with House Bill 128, which has already made it out of committee. As if decimating inflating and rising mortgage interest rates are not enough for this crowd, this will annihilate young families, small business owners, and compromise everyone's disposable income who actually WORK for a living.

Progressive legislatures don't care, they get free health care, perks, and life long retirement packages and they want to keep funding their parasitic life style, that WE the taxpayers pay for. This is absolutely the definition of "Progressive Creep", and nobody likes a creep!

Email all House Representatives today, especially the bill sponsors and all Socialist Democrat Progressive Creep representatives. Contact them here: Delaware House Democrats. You can copy and paste your message, sorry we don't have the capability of providing a link to all of them at once. If someone can help with that, let us know


Absolutely do NOT consider raising our income taxes. We, the hard working people of Delaware are STRUGGLING, struggling to pay for our groceries, our fuel, and mortgages. Raising our income taxes is NOT the solution, not when DEFAC reports that the State has almost $1 billion in “extraordinary revenues” available to spend. That’s a lot of excess cash. HB 128 is simply a BAD policy. The worst time to raise taxes is during an economic downturn when family businesses are suffering and struggling to keep employees. A better idea would be to LOWER our taxes, to stimulate spending and our economy.

If you raise taxes, we WILL REVOLT against you and vote you OUT OF OFFICE, for GOOD!

Sincerely, state your name and town.

More Info on HB 128 from Caesar Rodney Institute - see below

Bill Alert: Delaware Legislators Want to Raise Taxes

By Charlie Copeland, Director

Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending

June 2, 2023

In the last 15 months, Delaware’s inflation-adjusted economy contracted a recessionary amount of 14.2%. Meanwhile, COVID-19 Relief Funds have given the State a record level of cash in the bank ($963.5 million).

What might the response from the Delaware General Assembly be to this situation of a horrible economy but plenty of State cash?

Shockingly, over one-third of our legislators want to increase the income tax on households and small/family businesses. Delaware Rep. Paul Baumbach has introduced just such a bill – House Bill 128 (amending Delaware Code Relating to Personal Income Tax).

HB 128 is simply a BAD policy. The worst time to raise taxes is during an economic downturn when family businesses are suffering and struggling to keep employees. A better idea would be to eliminate Delaware’s small business killer, the Gross Receipts Tax, a variable tax that can force small business tax rates to jump 100% or more in bad economic times.

Delaware’s in a Recession but has Excess Cash

Last year Delaware’s inflation-adjusted economy shrank by 10.6%. The trend continued in the first quarter of this year as the economy shrank an additional 3.6% (Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis & Bureau of Labor Statistics Series CUURS12BSA0 CPI for Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington).

In 15 short months, Delaware’s real economy shrank by 14.2%!

Even the State’s primary economic forecaster, Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council (DEFAC) – long a provider of rosy prognostications – expects an economic recession with the State’s real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declining by 1% in 2023.

DEFAC also reports that the State has almost $1 billion in “extraordinary revenues” available to spend. That’s a lot of excess cash.

Take Action and Stop HB 128

This bill should be stopped. The following names are all Sponsors & Co-Sponsors of this awful bill:

Primary Sponsor: Paul Baumbach



This list is over one-third of the members of the Delaware General Assembly. Simply bizarre that during the worst economic conditions in a decade, our legislators want to take money from the pockets of hardworking families and small businesses.

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Remember why you moved here and live here, Mighty 38th, let these Democrats know you will not tolerate this nonsense and email them all today!

April 38th District Republican Club, PAC posts you may have missed:


For the latest information in Sussex and Kent Counties and the Delaware political scene tune in to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 daily!

Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! We meet the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach, unless otherwise specified. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

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Upcoming 2023 Meetings:

June 26th - Location Pending

July 24th - Red White and Blue Beach Party

August - Bonfire on The Beach, date pending

We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 1371

Bethany Beach, DE 19970

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