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Special Election Details - Republican First State Responders (YOU) Needed!

Writer's picture: Michelle ParsonsMichelle Parsons

Ok Republican Warriors, the date of the two Special Elections has been set, and the clock is ticking! The Special Elections for Senate Districts 1 and 5 will both be on Saturday, February 15th. There will also be early voting, February 4 - 13, so we need to get busy. Just as we Delaware Republicans came together to work to get Valerie Jones-Giltner elected in Sussex County, now we Sussex Countians are coming together again to help our New Castle County Republicans win their/OUR Special Elections.

Read About the Candidates Here

Brent Burdge for SD 5

What You Need To Do NOW

As a Republican Patriot and Republican-First-State-Responder, and yes, this is a true emergency, there are a few things to do to get ready to join the team. And most of this can be done from the comfort of your own home, so no need to cross the Delaware on Christmas Eve, just get your smart phone ready!

Download the DE GOP App

Please download the "Delaware Republican Party" app onto your smart phone. This will be an essential part of our strategy for our Republican-First-State-Responders (that's you) to accomplish so much of what we need done. You will be able to send personal texts, phone calls, and even get addresses to send postcards from this app! Download the app today, more info to come soon!

Why Are We Sending Personal Messages?

Campaign studies have shown that a voter who receives a personal message, especially a handwritten postcard, is 20%, that's TWENTY PERCENT, more likely to come out to vote. This is HUGE!! This is why we are utilizing the Delaware Republican app to send out personalized messages. And we will also be sending out handwritten postcards as well.

DE GOP will be sending out simple instructions on how to utilize the app within the next several days. For those of you who have used the app, you already know that the app will display voters "near me." Within the next few days, the app will be updated so that you can select voters in Senate District 1 and 5. But please do not delay and wait to download the app, download it today, so you are in position and ready to pounce once word is given that we are ready to strike!

Email Joyce Hoover to Make Phone Calls

We will also be making good old fashioned phone calls. Everyone, please email the New Castle County Republican Party Field Coordinator, Joyce Hoover, here to be added to the list of folks who can make phone calls and/or send text messages from home. Please email her your name and phone number. We already have folks making these phone calls now, and we need more asap! Email

The list of voters to call will be emailed to you in the form of Google Sheets, so that the data can be collected in real time. You will also be sent a script.

You will need to have a Gmail account to access the Google Sheets that Joyce will email you, which will be like an excel spreadsheet, but without a required subscription to Microsoft Office. If you don't have a Google Gmail, it is easy to create one.

Postcard Writing Parties

ALSO, we will be handwriting personal postcards. We will have postcards at our next 38th Meeting on Monday January 27th. We will include this post card writing event as part of our regular meeting. All Republican RDs in Sussex will be doing this! You will need to download the app onto your smart phone to be able to get addresses for the postcards. This is essential so that we can track which voters have been sent a postcard in real time. Please download the "Delaware Republican Party" app on your smartphone TODAY!

38th Republican Club Post card Party!
Post Card Writing Party!

Create a Google Number

If you would like to use another phone number than your personal cell number, you can learn how to create a free Google phone number here by watching this video.

How to Use Google Voice Video Tutorial: How to Use Google Voice

Congratulations to our New Sussex County Republican Committee Officers!

Chair - Danny Willis

Vice Chair - Tom Molnar

Treasurer - Bill Schrider

Check Out the New 1st State Podcast

Listen to DE GOP Vice Chair, Jim Weldin, Chris Beronio and David Stevenson of Caesar Rodney Institute discuss offshore wind issues. Like, subscribe and share. Well done DE GOP!!

Next 38th Republican Club Meeting

Please save the date and mark your calendar for our next Mighty 38th Republican Club Meeting for Monday, January 27th, meet and greet at 6:00pm and meeting start at 6:30pm. Our featured speaker will be upcoming County Council President, Doug Hudson. Learn first hand what happened at the last Sussex County Board meeting and vote regarding the offshore wind farms application, and what is coming next!


If you like what we do and would like to help support our mission, please send us a donation. We thank you for choosing to keep the 38th District Republican Club a success and a beaming light of conservative values in Delaware!


Do you want to get more involved locally? The 38th District includes Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millville, Selbyville and Frankford. YOU can make a difference! Email for more information. Also, sign up for the State GOP e-Newsletters here.

Listen to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 for local news!


Join the GOP:

Good Ordinary People who have common sense and will put an end to the nonsense!

Join the 38th District Republican Club and Subscribe to our e-Newsletter. If you like what we do and stand for, consider sending us your financial support.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 184

Frankford, DE 19945

We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please

Upcoming Meetings

Sussex GOP Region Meeting, Monday, January 13th, 6:30pm, Millsboro Fire Hall

38th Club Meeting, January 27th, 6:30pm

We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only. The content provided is for general information and entertainment purposes, and should not be construed as professional advice. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Club. Readers are encouraged to seek professional guidance or conduct their own research when making decisions based on the information provided in this newsletter. The Club does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in this newsletter and will not be held liable for any errors or omissions. Website paid for by the 38th District Republican Club PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.



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