Bob Lawless, Chair of the 38th Representative District has resigned as of this month. Bob has served in this position twice over the last number of years. We thank him for his leadership and assistance.
Pat Procaccini has volunteered to step up and take on this very important position on the Sussex County Republican Committee. The rules indicate that the Election District Committee people, the EDC’s in the 38th, elect their Chair.
If there is anyone else from the 38th District who is interested in filling this position, please contact Marilyn Booker, Sussex County Republican Committee Chair. See below for RDC responsibilities. And also review so you know what your RDC responsibilities are so you can help them accomplish their/our goals! If you have any questions about this process, please let Marilyn Booker know before January 9th.

After the Sussex County Region meeting on January 9th there will be a Special Election. Hylton Phillips-Page and Betty Bridgeman will conduct the election in accordance with our rules. The meeting will be held on Monday, 1/9/2023 6:30 p.m. at Old Paths Church, Redden Road, Georgetown. If you are a Republican in Sussex County, please plan to attend!
Representative District Chairs (RDC) play a critical role in the success of the Republican
Party in Sussex County. While we all understand the time-consuming activities
associated with election year activities, the work done during the “off years” is also
essential to the success of elections. Preparation in “off-years” will assist with success
in election years.

Understanding the demographics of your Representative District is very important. Discern what issues are important to your constituents. Be the party representative at local community events. Become familiar with local influencers in the community and work with them on projects as appropriate. (e.g., cleaning up a highway, school fairs, church bazaars, etc.) Encourage your EDCs to participate as well. Attend town meetings and forums.
Recruit and train EDCs - two for each ED. Attending local Republican Club meetings can be an excellent place to recruit EDCs. You are likely to find Republicans at pro-life rallies, meetings of groups that support the 2nd amendment or other sportsmen’s groups.
Encourage EDCs to attend the monthly Sussex County Republican Committee meetings on the 2nd Monday of the month. Maintain and send to the Region Chair and Secretary an accurate list of EDCs with contact information.
Recruit Neighborhood Team Leaders. Encourage them to take the training via ZOOM offered by the State Party. Keep in touch with them to determine how they are doing interacting with their neighbors.
Facilitate voter registration training and then organize Voter Registration events.
Assist with obtaining absentee ballots for those who need them.
Organize canvassing of your precinct. This includes making contact with Republican voters not only during election years but on off years as well.
We need to keep in touch with Republicans, ask them about what issues are
important to them.
Organize phone banks for your RD
Participate in meetings and trainings for RDCs when offered
Organize and lead monthly EDC meetings
Facilitate GOTV (Get Out the Vote) efforts
Attend the monthly Executive Board meetings. If you are unable to attend
you must send a proxy.
Attend the monthly Sussex Region Meetings on the 2nd Monday of the
Be able to answer questions about the current election laws such as deadlines
for registering to vote, how to register to vote, polling locations, early voting
dates and times, and also be aware of local issues and candidates on the ballot.
Provide candidates with the information they need to be successful in your
Distribute party literature
Be aware of where our candidates’ support for or opposition to “hot-button”
Maintain up-to-date records of RD residents including contact information,
party affiliation, and volunteer activities
Recruit volunteers who may be willing to hold a coffee or other social event
for their neighbors and friends to “Meet the Candidate.”
Collaborate with candidates during campaigns to provide volunteers and
hosts for voter contact activities such as voter registration, phone banks,
and canvassing
Assist with recruiting volunteers to the Republican booths at each of your
EDs on election day and for early voting days.
See if any voters need transportation to the polls on early voting and
election days for people having trouble getting to the polls
Maintain communication with active Republicans in your precinct who have
expressed interest via phone, e-mail, Facebook, or other preferred method
Recruit volunteer checker/challengers to monitor polls.
Keep Republican elected officials aware of issues to your constituents in your RD
Make your constituents aware of issues being proposed by our caucus and
request that constituents make phone calls and/or write letters to support their efforts.
Encourage them to write letters to the editor of the local papers are
other helpful ways to support our candidates’ efforts.
Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, January 23rd 630pm at the Bethany South Coastal Library, 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.
Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
Upcoming 2023 Meetings
January 23rd, 6:30 p.m.
February 27th, 6:30 p.m.
March 27th, 6:30 p.m.
April 24th, 6:30 p.m.
May 22nd, 6:30 p.m.
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970
