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Upcoming Meeting, Congratulations from Jane Brady, and Ban on Gas Powered Vehicles

Writer's picture: Michelle ParsonsMichelle Parsons

Hey Mighty 38th District Republican Club Members, save the date for our next meeting, Monday, November 28th, social at 6:00 p.m. and meeting start promptly at 6:30 p.m., at the South Coastal Library in Bethany Beach. Bring a friend! First, our club received a congratulations from Delaware State GOP Chair, Jane Brady, on our tremendous efforts and voter turnout for this past election. We and our efforts are getting noticed!

Note from Jane Brady: "Let me congratulate you and all of the 38th representative district for the tremendous turnout and support for our Republican candidates." - Jane Brady. Well done everyone!!

For our upcoming meeting, we will not have a guest speaker per se. YOU, the members will be the speakers! We want to know YOUR thoughts, experiences, suggestions on this past election and recommendations on how we as a club, as a district, as a State, can move forward on how to strengthen, support, and propagate our conservative, Republican values and ideals, and how we can best get republican candidates voted in for the next election! The executive board will forward your recommendations to the County and State GOP. In addition, due to the great success in voter turnout in the 38th District, Marilyn Booker, Sussex GOP Chair, has invited the 38th District Republican Club executive board to the Sussex GOP's upcoming voter turnout meetings, along with a host of other groups and individuals, the first to be held in January of 2023. We look forward to attending and contributing to this venture!

Being a board member is fun!

Speaking of the 38th Executive Board, the Club is in need of an additional board member. The executive board meets monthly, usually at a local establishment, on a day and time that suits all. The executive board met at the Ocean View Brewery for our last meeting and our previous meeting was at the Salted Rim. If you would like to get involved in the direction that our club takes and our endeavors and hang out with a GREAT group of folks, please consider volunteering for this position. You can email the club here or let us know at the next meeting.

In step with the 41st District Republican Club, we will also be seeking suggestions for an upcoming fundraiser for our club early next year. Your suggestions are welcome, and we will be taking a poll to determine the most popular idea and move forward from there.

OK, onto Republican business!

If you haven’t yet heard, following the lead of the State of California, Delaware’s Division of Air Quality (housed in DNREC) is now planning on regulations to ban new internal combustion vehicles by 2035. Only new electric vehicles will be able to be sold in Delaware, although it does not explicitly ban fossil fuel-based cars, you won't be able to buy them!

The stated reason why DNREC proposes to adopt the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations is to comply with EPAs ozone standard. Tropospheric ozone (ozone near the surface) is a pollutant that damages vegetation and makes breathing difficult, particularly for those with asthma. But New Castle County currently complies with the EPA standard, although it is lumped in with the Philadelphia SMSA which does not.

As noted by Miguel Perez, member at large, "This is totally absurd. Delaware sits between two large bodies of water and breeze/wind moves air through, not trapped by the high sierras, which is the reason for California smog and trapped pollutants. This is actually a devious way of transporting to Delaware, without legislative action, the so called Progressive environmental doctrine commands of a California who's businesses and people move away in mass exodus to RED states, unable to deal with the economic high cost and freedom invasive actions of life in California." - Miguel Perez. Well said, Miguel!

Also, it is premature to consider these regulations, as the California ban on internal combustion engines has been challenged in court by 17 states, mostly in the Midwest. The Missouri State Attorney General commented, “If California can set restrictive ‘gas emissions’ standards, manufacturing becomes astronomically expensive, and those additional costs are passed onto consumers, many of which are Missourians.” If Delaware adopts such standards, expect consumer costs to skyrocket since the cost of transportation affects virtually everything that consumers purchase.

If Delawareans want to buy an electric vehicle, they should be free to do so, but the free market should drive the demand, NOT the government!

The first year of funding to install electric vehicle charging stations along major highway routes in Delaware is proposed to be $7,192,719. . Included in this is the Clean Bus Program, converting Delaware school buses to electric school buses. This is incredibly unsafe for our Delaware children, as electric school buses must be made of light weight material to accommodate the very heavy weight of the electric batteries, putting children at risk of intrusion injuries in case of a collision AND the risk of overwhelming battery/electric fire in the event of an accident that our children may not be able to escape from in time! EV fires are harder to put out, take MUCH as much water to extinguish, but can also reignite at any time! Check out this news report from route 80, Pennsylvania: This is NOT environmentally friendly!

Electric battery powered vehicles are UNSAFE and put our children at risk!

41st District Representative Richard Collins, who is passionate about preventing such legislation in Delaware, will be in attendance at our meeting to give the club more information and direction. It is vital that people realize that Governor Carney's executive action mirroring California rules is quickly taking hold with regulations to ban gasoline and diesel-powered cars currently being drafted. However, there is still time to voice your opposition and tell Governor Carney that banning gasoline vehicles only hurts working families. I expect every single member to email Governor Carney asap and let him know your thoughts on banning traditionally fueled vehicles in Delaware! Here is his email:

Do you live in the 38th District in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, November 28th 630pm at the Bethany South Coastal Library, 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 1371

Bethany Beach, DE 19970



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